Legendary CS Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by WMcr8, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    Game Type Overview: CS is a game type that is round based meaning you only have one life. You start off with a pistol and their are 3 different weapons at the team spawns, there are only one of each weapon so don't take more than one of them. There are also other power weapons spread around the map to help balance out the game once it has stared. each map has a different set of power weapons on it that usually include snipers shotguns(also a starting weapon) swords and flame throwers. The base player traits are no shields 150% dmg resistance, immunity to head shots
    and 110% speed. All weapon sets on the maps do not include the starting weapons.

    Download Gametype

    Map Title: Tree Fort CS
    High ground is your best friend and worst enemy here

    Download Map

    Tree fort is the fist CS map I made i has two sides to it the developed garage side has more cover above but if you take to the streets watch out for the propane tanks. Meanwhile on the tree side there is an intricate scaffolding of ramps bridges and watchtowers that create a multi layered fort. there is also a "hidden" sniper hole on the garage side. Weapon set: 3xSnipers (one full two w/ zero extra clips) 2xShotgun 1xFlamethrower 2xBR
    by WMcr8 AfroNinja w/ assistance from Viper90

    Tree Fort start zone

    Garage start zone

    Tree base sniper

    Garage sniper

    Tree Fort right side

    Tree Fort left side

    Sniper hole

    Base walks

    Map Title: Dark Water CS
    This abandoned oil facility has become a haven for terrorists; take them out.

    Download Map

    On dark water there are three main ways across the platform the bridge, the tunnel and the secondary walk way. each has their pros and cons, the bridge is the fastest way but it is easy to attack and lacks cover, the tunnel is longer but can be held much more easily and the secondary bridge has a power weapon on it. each side also has an extra store room on their side for cover. the map is designed to keep people moving so some of the doors have been blocked and some grav lifts have been installed as well. Weapon set 2xSniper(2 clip) 2xShotgun 1xSword 1x Flamethrower 1xRocket(zero clips) 4xSMG. And the weapons on this level are hidden so you'll have to do some searching.
    by WMcr8 AfroNinja and Viper90




    Secondary bridge

    Extra room

    Map Title: Frozen Steel CS
    High above the icy waste of tundra the forerunner installation becomes a battle ground.

    Download Map

    Frozen Steel is smaller than the rest of the CS maps and plays much fast with less places to hide. it has two main levels and a few intermediary ones. it also has a "safe" room and if you fall the super man cannon will bring you back up to the level, but it will leave you open to attack since their is no cover on the ground or in the air. Weapon set 1xSniper(zero clips) 2xShotgun
    1xSword 1xFlamethrower 4xSMG 4xSpiker 4xMauler 2xBR
    by WMcr8 AfroNinja


    Other side

    Bottom floor main room

    Main room

    Back door

    Sniper spawn

    Bottom floor hallway

    Please tell me what you think of game type and each map
    #1 WMcr8, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  2. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    the avalanch one is the best
  3. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    All of them look really great, these are made on maps that I thought where pretty un-forgeable, but you made all of these look professional. Easily my two favorite maps would be the blackoutone and the avalanche one.
  4. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    nice mapS i like the avalanch the best but they are all cool i would say more pics for the ghost town one
  5. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    the avalanche one looks great, but the ghost town one looks.... a little confusing.... but still nice job.
  6. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    my favs are the ghost town, cuz sum1 actually put the watchtowers to good use, and the av. one
    Capture out!
  7. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    I would have loved to put more pics in but it cut off at 20
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    i really like the avalanche one, it has really good construction
  9. Surts3y

    Surts3y Ancient
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    on the avalanche one is the rest of the normal map playable or did you block part of it off? i cannot tell from the pics
  10. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    The ghost town one looks well forged and much different from the default. Can you just jump off the side of the avalanche one and hide the whole time?
  11. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    the one on ghost town was pretty good but honestly dosent look that fun, i would of closed some sections of the map off. The one on blackout was good a little messy but fun good job on that, But the one on avalanche was epic seriosuly the best one out of the 3 good job on that one
  12. CottonMckenzie

    CottonMckenzie Ancient
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    Nice. We need more forging done on these maps.
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Honestly, the only one I really like is the Avalanche one. It's not the ideas, its that Ghost Town and Blackout barely have any open space to forge. I like default Blackout and Ghost Town as they are
  14. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    in my opinion all of them are good, but I personally think that the avalanche one is the best, nice work.
  15. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    Avalanche=Extreme uber pwning
  16. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    Wow, a map for each of the new maps! Great job! now for the maps themselves, the ghost town and avalanche ones win hands down. The blackout one is kinda, eh.
  17. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    The Avalanche one is easily the best. The other two look a little cluttered and just a little messy (I'm sure they play well, though), and they're still basically the same map, but the Avalanche one is a whole map of it's own.
  18. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
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    couldnt you just jump off on avalanche and snipe or something
  19. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    This is the first "map-pack" in a long time to not have a map on foundry, thank god.
  20. TicTock

    TicTock Guest

    The avalanch one IMO is the best one good work. What happens if you fall off the platform.

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