you can haz downloads here! Rock Ridge- An Asymmetrical Foundry map made by CaptureThPlague and KGC Lemonwedge (beckon) Alright- Enough with the font- on to the map I started this late in May, and finished it early June (for all those who go crazy on how long it took) Beckon had SOME input on things, but it was mostly me (see- I gave you credit!!!) He had come in maybe mid-way, then helped with stuff like weapons, but I already had the layout set. Rock Ridge is set up for all gametypes, but plays best with team games, otherwise the spawning is weird. Weapons (from memory) - Spartan Laser - Sniper Rifle - Beam Rifle - 2 Brute Shots - 5 Brs - 2 Shotguns (hidden) - 5 Pair of Spike Nades (2 are hidden) Equipment/Vehicles - Trip Mine - Power Drainer - Regenerator - 3 Mongi - 3 Warthog - Gauss Hog - Ghost you can haz pictures now: Defenders Base: Attackers Base: Middle Structure: "The Gas Station": Adjacent to Middle: Middle Attackers: Middle Defenders: Oversheild tunnel, Middle: ZOMG Ghost! Fall of Waters LAZER! (defenders) Attackers Snipe: Middle Snipe: Rawrz.
Very nice Pirates. The interlocking looks great, though it seems spacious. Also, the back wall blocking exit seems sloppy a little. The weapon placement is finally, on a map, seemingly well balanced XD And the fall of water is sweet. I can h4z Download? Yesh.
Lotz of people think that interlocking, atmosphere, flow and stuff makes a good map. But it really comes down to if there is Digital Ph33r's quotes.
looks pretty good smooth interloocking and i like the layout the only let down is the lack off cover, the waterfall is sweet and a version 2 would b cool
This looks fun to play on. One complaint; no bubble shield? The only reason that disappoints me is BUBBLE SHIELD + SPLAZER = HILARIOUS "suicides".
nice sig BISON, I love it thx for all the comments, as of now, I am making this in a map pack, with this, Stone Edge(u.n.), Ice Mesa(u.n.) guess what the theme is...
Looks fun Pirate. I will que it for dl and give you a more in depth review after I test it. Interlocking loos smooth though from pics. I like the gas station personally.