Cavernous: An underground war fueled by wealth The Story: Around the late 1800s, gold was becoming ubiquitous throughout California. Not only did people want it, they were willing to risk there lives for it. There has been stories told of an underground war, fueled be the lust for gold, oil, and most of all, wealth. This battle went on for years and years. Stories say it was between two mine corporations, greedy to get there hands on the oil and gold that sat around half a mile under there feet. After a while they did strike gold, and they did find oil, but they wanted more. So, they began to mine on the other companies land, which then resulted in the huge rivalry. Over the years, the rivalry became stronger. Too strong. Links And About the map: The map is set up for all team based games. It plays great with all the normal settings, but i have effected the game-play with my own game-types. Download Cavernous Team Slayer Variant-Spelunkers Base color, Black, leader color Gold CtF Variant- Gold Grab Base Color, Black, Flag Carrier, Gold KotH Variant- Gold Rush Base Player, black, in te hill, Gold Oddball Variant- Grave Diggers Base Player Black, Ball Carrier, Gold Territories VariantExcavation Base Player, black Assault VariantCaved In Base Player, Black, Bomb Carrier, Gold I have also added weapon, health, and movement changes to all of them, in order to make the game-play more fun Pictures: One of the Bases. Weapons- 1 Brute Shot, 2x Spiker, 2x Spike Grenades, 2 BRs Second shot at one of the bases. Weapons- 1 bubble-shield, 1 fire bomb, 1 Dp cover, 1 Ar The other Base. Weapons- 1 Brute Shot, 2x Spiker, 2x Spike Grenades, 2 BRs Second shot at one of the other base. Weapons- 1 bubble-shield, 1 fire bomb, 1 Dp cover, 1 Ar The Hallway. Weapons- 1 shotgun, 1 plasma pistol, 1 plasma Grenade, 1 carbine Mid hallway. [shotgun spawn] Action shots: From "Gold Grab", "Spelunkers" and "Gold Rush" Special Thanks: -HUGE thanks to Shatakai, for helping me test, edit, and tre test evry game type, YOUR AWSOME -a P3Rson -CB LEGENDARY -Gomer Jones -Scourge100 -SPAGETII -Squirrel3ho3 -Sxc Shacow -CBlaZE siK -MLG Jesse -bigt3080 and a bunch of other people that help me test this map Links Again: Download Cavernous Team Slayer Variant-Spelunkers CtF Variant- Gold Grab KotH Variant- Gold Rush Oddball Variant- Grave Diggers Territories VariantExcavation Assault VariantCaved In
looks sweet, very original. I havent seen someone make a map using just the foundry bases. I liked the story for this. Good job, merging interlocking and such look great. I'll dl and have a look. Is this what you were doing when you were banned?
Hey. i didnt think you were posting this til tomorrow. o well, glad to see it now. definitely a 5/5, you guys have to DL. The action shots were all together when i looked and made the post very wide, but maybe its just me. You struck gold with this map, lol. I love how its so strategic, but you included spelunkers which is complete mayhem and fun for everyone! I know, lol
Great map. As you know i played this already and it is awesome The map does a fantastic job of supporting almost all gametypes. The bases are very well made and CTF works perfectly without any spawn problems The defining feature though, is of course the good use of the tunnel area of foundry
it makes it very hard to see the whole of the post with my screen reso atm im in certainly not changing it to read your map, I havent read the description as Im not sitting here scrolling left and right for 3 days but from your screens its very imaginitive I like the idea of boxxing in from the other side nicely layed out but imo the two bases look a little wear and tear
ya, for some reason the pics are huge, i changed them on photobucket, they should be up and working by tomorow
good work, making it look like it's in a cave. i would try to make more stuff in the open space though. you could try to create better ambience to make it feel more like a cave. but whatever, supporting all gametypes is a biggie. great map still.
well forged and nice idea.. i was thinkin about doin the same but i dont think id dome as good of a job
omg, its not really a biggie , infection would not be fun, and its a team map,not ffa, so juggenaut is not needed, so ya, if u play it, it really does feel like a cave
VERY ORIGINAL. I really haven't seen any maps that use that back tunnel as the map. That is a sign of a true forger to take on something that challenging. Great jorb!
I SAW YOU MAKING THIS. :] wish i could of helped test but its annoying because when your on its like 10PM here and im not out of stupid school yet. ill probably paly it with you today. deffinitly 5/5 tho.