Version 2 by SAVExTHExWHALES with help on v2 from COMMANDERMATT1 Now Featured on! Brought to you by HaloTracks! This map was very fun to make, although not very long. It is a tad bit short, but that doesn't take away from the fun. The starting system consists of an active camo spawning after ten seconds. You must fight other racers going off a jump and around a hairpin turn. Off the stairs and onto the bank. The bank was my favorite part. Very smooth and easy to drive on. After the bank, round the bend and through the uncheatable checkpoint. I took some time to make sure this map was uncheatable and that you can't fall off unless you are a terrible driver. The whole map is double wide. Have fun, and race nice now. Pics v2: Pics v1: (These do not reflect the changes in v2.) Map Location: Gametype location: Join our RaceTracks Group
you need to impement where an object spawns and pushes the mongeese out for a fairer start but in general this map is awesome
Hey, nice post whales. I remember testing this out, very fun altogether. Good job, maybe we can forge a track together sometime?
The map is too small for racing. Parties complianed about the size, and it looks like you merged TOO MUCH! LOL It may not be possible for some people on forgehub , but it is a little messy on the one curve, and there are big gaps between parts of the race track, now if it was put there on purpose, IDK, but they need to be fixed ^^. I will say, I love how it is COMPLETELY anti-cheat! ^_^