Outskirts By: UR MAST3R Description: One of my favorite maps in halo 2's campaign was outskirts. I always pictured it as a great multiplayer map. This map is the part of outskirts where you battle the snipers and go into hotel zanzibar. All gametypes and teamspawns have been fixed and there is a balenced weapon layout. When I played a game on here the gameplay was even better then I expected. Pictures: Download: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16771442 Enjoy
Some areas of the map look well replicated, others need some improvement? If you can spell out Zanzibar on top of the hotel, I'll dl this. Looks good though, nice efforts.
I would recommend some interlocking here. It looks messy otherwise. If you fix some of the messy parts I will definitely take a look at it.
Great concept but taking time to inner-lock and make things straight and neat is what draws the DL's.
You could have put in more effort. More interlocking? I like the idea of replicating a part of the Halo 2 campaign.
this would be cool if you cleaned it up with some interlocking. if you dont know how, look at forging 101
You are going to get a lot of comments saying this is sloppy, but I personally don't care all that much and I think that it looks pretty cool (picture 2 especially.).
looks like it has good gameplay, and good for swat. nut the map looks VERY sloppy this map could have potential if you interlocked you need interlocking, otherwise it looks bump and sloppy