Nucleus V1.1 Created by RJM619 Supported Gametypes: Conquest V2 UPDATE: Version 1.1 has fixed the spawning issues, and altered a few of the weapon placements. The new placements can be seen in the overview pictures. Map Description This is not a traditional Conquest map, but is inspired by a post I saw earlier today. Unlike traditional back-and-forth Conquest maps, each territory can be approach from more than one angle. This introduces a more tactical element of guarding your captured territories but also advancing forwards. The style of the map is loosely based on a honeycomb; with one central room leading to others. The basic structure can be seen in this amazingly detailed drawing: Or in these overview pictures (note, the real map has a roof!): Overview 1: Overview 2: The main room leads to all the others, and so is the most important, and so has a couple of powerups. If you can control this room you will be able to dominate the game: The central 'Nucleus': After 2 minutes, a shotgun will spawn in the main room, giving whoever holds this main room a quick advantage to attack the remaining territories. A captured territory: A couple of uncontrolled sectors: This is only my 2nd map, and my 1st serious map. It was designed with the Land Grab/Conquest gametype in mind. It emphasised tactical warfare and close combat. I'm not to sure about the spawns and weapon placement so if anyone knows what they're doing in these areas, please shoot me a message. Anyway, enjoy! Download NUCLEUS V1.1 Download CONQUEST V2
I think he removed the ceiling for pictures. Looks like a good map. I see two sloppy places but that doesn't mean too much in game.
looks like a decent close quarters combat map. I think you did fairly good making it but it looks like the respawns on here can be re done and looks like spawn camping might be a problem.
I think CTF would be insane on here. Gameplay would alone be very hectic. But overall, I like this map. It's basic and a nice, clean design
I like this. Solid and simple=playable and enjoyable. 4/5 My only complaint, I would've liked to see this exact same structure a bit bigger. It looks so incredibly fun, but slightly crowded for the number of people I had in mind. Was that on purpose?
it looks ok, but most maps have a seller, like a switch or something like that, you should have something like that to sell your map
A couple of notes: 1) Yes the real map has a roof and I can confirm it is inescapable. 2) Now you mention it yes the spawns do need replacing. 3) The map isn't Conquest per se, but is a prototype map for the yet-to-be-invented Honeycomb gametype, which was suggested by someone a few days ago. It inspired me to make this map, though it still works well with Conquest. 4) Hmmm maybe I will try to set it up for CTF.
One problem that I can foresee in this map is spawn-camping. Yes, there is neutral spawns placed in various spots, but just the "coziness" of the map seems like spawn-camping would be one of the top problems of the map. It's a well-designed map with a great gametype to go with it, but spawn-camping is one of my pet-peeves in gaming. 3.5/5 (Sadly, I can't test this theory due to my complete lack of people on my friends list.)
I'll try and fix the spawn issues soon. Is there any way to set it so a certain team spawns in a certain area at the beginning, but then can go to neutral areas as they respawn?
There are Starting Points. You have to switch gametypes in the forge to get them, instead of the default "All Gametypes".
For some reason this reminds me of the advanced wars maps. Good job though looks fantasticly done too.
Now that the spawns are as fixed as possible (you really cant prevent ALL spawn camping on a small map such as this)... 4/5 This map actually gave me the idea for a map I working on. The geomerging and interlockng is testing my patience. It's probably alot easier though with friends who actually forge.