Here's how it works: When you post, you answer the person before you's question: Would you (insert verb) a (adjective) (noun) for $5? And then, you ask you're own question. Would you lick Shock's rusty tuba for $5?
No, but I would do it for 529.717131 Chinese yen. Would you eat a shallot if it had white mystery sauce on it?
Yes, Only if I could have Salt. and you forgot to answer my question. ANGRY SADFACE: (@ pwncakes) Would you lick Shock's rusty tuba for $5?
i have a crazy feeling shocks rusty tuba isn't a musical instrument. . .so no. Would you stick your hand in a cows ass for $5?
Only if I get to choose the direction of the wipe. Would you ride a bicycle full speed into a concrete pillar for $5?
i totally would... even though that doesnt make sense because xbox live is 5$... oh w.e. Would you kill this poor starving Asian kid for 5$?
No. It's rotting. That's the deal-breaker. Would you drink the blood of an AIDS-infected person for $5?
I wouldn't want to drink anything that came from any body's body. Period. Would you throw a rock at your mother for $5?