Created by: X1 CABOOSE 1X tested by: me x snipelilmunch x ka killzlot cd95 v2 theonepower ka king kong ka thuix a DUI Gametypes: slayer CTF assualt oddball KOTH juggernaut DOWNLOAD HERE TERMINAL 127R Backstory: In the year 2552 after the fight of Delta halo this train terminal was seized by the UNSC and is now used as a secret transport for the vehicles to get to the battle safely but be careful the vehicles come by at full speed so look bothways before crossing 2-8 players Weapon list: 6 br's 4 assault rifles 4 smg's 2 spikers 2 maulers 1 sniper 1 shotgun 1 energy healer 1 bubble sheild 2 carbines 2 plasma rifles 6 plasma nades 5 frags 4 spike nades Note: each team has a train near there spawn also one of the trains does get stuck i know i tried to fix it nothing can be done Dont be me! and stand in the middle of the tracks PICS: If you missed the link up top DOWNLOAD HERE
ok this looks fun and everything... but im REALLY tired of this train/subway maps... sorry i just had to get that out of me. ok woah. Everything looks perfectly merged + symmetrical I'll give a 4/5 just to My Personal dis-liking of trains and stuff.
Looks like one of the better train maps, because you are using a warthog instead of a frickin dumpster. Nice job.
looks nice overall but i bet i can grenade jump out of the map. hopefully you tested that. I don't see a point to the door next to the stairs on picture four. I am sure you can use it for something else.
FINALLY!!! A DECENT looking train map!!! i love the concept but usually they are messy and small. THIS LOOKS GREAT! DL FOR SURE 5/5 WITHOUT even looking around the map!
UR welcome but i did grenade jump out lol u might want to fix that and make a v2 that would be awsome Edit: and i think i fixed the train problem, the one where it gets stuck and stops. all i did was delete the oversheild in the track on the ground and it worked
I agree with you ninja dumpsters ruin the whole "train" feeling. A warthog is the closest to a train IMO.
no offense, its a good map, but train maps are not for the win its definetly one of the better ones ATTENTION FUTURE TRAIN MAP MAKERS, DONT CALL IT TERMINAL, ITS CONFUSING
woah this looks great. I really like the way you have just a little part of the staircases showing and the part where you have to crouch to get through, dld.