Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing <-- TXT PARTY v3.6 Link EQUIPMENT: (1) Bubble Shield (1) Deployable Cover (1) Regenerator WEAPONS: (1) Assault Rifle (7) Battle Rifles (2) Covenant Carbines (1) Energy Sword (2) Magniums (1) Mauler (2) Needlers (2) Plasma Rifles (2) Sniper Rifles (4) Sub-Machine Guns POWER-UPS: (1) Active Camo (1) Overshield ___________________________________________________________ Description: This map is Asymetrical. The gametypes available at the moment are: - Slayer - Infection - Oddball - King of the Hill - Juggernaut This map has good cover and has become more professional. Please download when the link is ready. There should be no spawn killing/camping because of the spawn placements and the cover. This map has four levels: -Gravity Hammer Floor -Second Floor -Third Floor -Sword Floor (Just one floating fence wall ) Please leave suggestions and comment.
Looks pretty good and well put together. It maybe could have used some more aesthetics and cover. I'm going to dl and try it out.
Try and provide a better description of the map, name off interesting features and things you want noticed Mapwise you may want to try some interlocking to make the map smoother in general although it looks pretty good without it
although this map looks fine without interlocking... it wouldnt be a map that I would like to play on for the following reasons: 1. Not enough cover. 2. Lacks Some Aesthetics. 3. (I dont mean for this to sound rude.) But it kinda looks like random double boxed with stairs and bridges. Some more pics would be useful, like perhaps the bottom floor. And maybe some action pics.
looks like it was well planned out but, it looks sloppy, by sloppy i mean no interlocking and it looks bare in places
The name is funny, but try using more interlocking, and new techniques to make it smooth and different Capture Out!
i have to say.. the title had me so curious that i had to open this. not a bad map at all. looks nice for FFA and snipers maybe.