Map title: Trench Warfare A world war one inspired map with trenches which makes the game very tactical, map name idea from timeshift. Download Map Attention; Version 2 is out! Download V2! Description: This is my newly built map which features trenches in a special shape making teamwork necessary. The trenches are a little lower than the double boxes, allowing the game to be headshot focused and defensive. If you crouch, you cannot be seen from the other side of the map, which is an excellent way to recharge shields and travel. This map is firstly built for objective games such as CTF and Assault, but team slayer works well too. I would not recommend FFA gametypes, since someone will almost always spawn behind you. There are no custom gametypes for this map, just five BR's on each side, and a sniper rifle leaning towards a window panel close to the spawn. When you exit the spawn-area, you will be on high ground. You will need to quickly get to cover, or you will die. The sniper is excellent on this map, because the only thing visible is the enemies heads. Using the sniper means supporting your teammates hugely. In the middle-section of the trench there is a small intersection. If you go one way, you will see two turrets facing both bases. The turrets are an even better support to your team, which can sweep through the whole first part. This forces the other team to push forward while crouching, making them slow and vurnerable. Just remeber that the turrets are too. The other part of the intersection leads onto the top part of the map, a small grey formation that supply's cover, neutral objectives and in asymmtrical games, a camo. Besides from this structure, the top part is completely empty. When in a difficult situation, a rush through the middle section is a fast, but VERY risky way, to reach the other team. Screenshots: Overview First person view from a trench Spawn location and sniper spawn Turrets and middle structure Any questions, just ask. I am open for any feedback that could improve my forgery. I know that the spawn-areas are not beautiful , i could have geomerged the back, and i could have interlocked another wall into the stairs, i just simply forgot. Hope you like my first post, i am going to submit another map soon, a really detailed and beautifully interlocked map that took over 10 hours to make. Over and out. Everybody, i ran out of budget and double/singe boxes, so i cannot add bumps, debris or another base. Download V2!
Very good for a first map! Interlocking is great and you crealy put a lot of effort into it! One thing I would say is that if looks a bit bare; how about some wreckage in No Man's Land? Or some fusion coils dropping onto the battlefield? =]
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone! I thought about putting wreckage there, but when i was about to, i realized i had 13 dollars left in my budget, and i couldn't remove anything, since it was a solid part of the map. Also, the fusion coils are a good idea, if it weren't for the budget. i have used falling Fusion coils in another map, but i was afraid it would ruin the gameplay in this one, since it's hard enough to get past no mans land without dying
I opened this thread thinking omg not another trench warfare map, well i was pleasently surprised nicely done i think you could improve it by adding forklifts in the open area and have a fusion coil drop on them created a explosion + rubble effect
I thought i should rename it because of the possibility of other similar maps, but i guess i didn't. It does work good for team swat!
That is a very good suggestion! It looks very clean, GREAT if this is your first map. 4/5, it is a bit bland in the 'no mans land'.
a good looking map but srry you dont have my dL mostly because i have 100 custom thingies right now but you spice it up and maybe put in a small base and youll have my DL
Hey ObsidianSythe! U copied my "achievement-unlocked-thinky! 10G - Get Owned By A Squirrel! That one was mine !
People have said that they have seen many trench warfare maps. well i haven't seen any and I have to say in my opinion it is pretty good. The walls could be interlocked to finish the neatness of the map since majorly everything else is interlocked.
This is by far the best trench-warfare map i've seen.... I think it would be awesome though if you had like tunnels under the trenches... (maybe a V2?)
i have more downloads and ratings than comments. PLEASE, tell me what you really think, and why you rated me like you did. Negative feedback is more than welcome!
the no mans land is supposed to be bold, to make it a risk to pass through. this statement shouldn't lower your rating though A base could be possible, but i ran out of all boxes and almost all walls. sorry. Good idea for a V2! as i said, budget reached, but in order to reach the tunnel i would have to remove stuff, so the dollars should be back by then! how did you imagine a tunnel? right below the trench following it's pattern on just on another level?
Ive seen tons of these kinds of maps and so far, Your is the best. Can't wait to test this map out. Qued for download.