The terrible event that happened in New Orleans wasn't fun for anyone. This version of it is. Using the Aftermath game varient, you spawn on one end of a big alley. In a couple of seconds you will be trying to dodge flying crates, trucks, barrels, propane tanks, barriers, and mongooses, because at the other end all the stuff spawns over man cannons and comes flying at you. Dodge the flying objects to win this mini game. There is only 1 honor rule. No assasinations. Before: After: Flying objects: Second wave: Map: Game: ps: if the pictures are bad, Im sorry. My computer was being wierd when I tried uploading them to Imageshack. Also stop saying that this is a terrible map because of the name. I understand if you don't want to download it because it doesn't look fun. Not because the name may spark some controversy.
At imageshack, press 'share image' I think, and then copy and paste the picture link from the top part that says 'forums'
Stop judging this map by its name. Me and my friends have played this and we loved it. Great job. Fun map.
To Charliezulublue: Saying fail on FH is a heavily warned and possible baning offense because it is just to harsh and mean. Please edit your post to something more constructive. To the poster of the map: I think i have seen this game before
well im just sayin alot people died and lost there homes just not a good name choice. sorry for the epic fail thing
I haven't seen or heard of that map. Sorry if it looks like the same. I downloaded a "bad" version of this map from my friend and then I edited it to make it "good". Also it says that he gives credit to Hurricane Katrina. That could either mean this game or the actual tragedy.
seriously you should think before you post things... no offense, but this is almost as bad as some of those asthetic 9/11 maps... possibly just name it "hurricane" not any one in particular
dude its not like this map is laughing at the tragedy... people make d day maps everyday but you dont say "EPIC FAIL" to them do you? why not loads of people died their too its history and its not seen as a mokery please stop trying to say its offensive unless you truly are which is kind of inpossible its a name of a map nothing to do with any personall loss or gain
Looks very fun. I've played this type of map before and they are exciting. One thing, like many others, I would suggest changing the name. I know you don't mean anything by it, but it could be offensive to some people
ive seen this map many times before winchester foundry ?? look it up its almost exactly like this one
d-day had people fighting against some of the worst people in the world and to make a map about it is a good thing because people need to know about it...katrina is to contriversial, a natural disaster and more civilians died in it so it is diffrent...a different name and i would of just gotten on it for copying off of winchester foundry 1
Please, Mavcev, don't double post. And please try to stay on topic and talk about the map. That's what we're here for, isn't it?