Ok, so, me and my clan are going to make a montage of our favourite Halo 3 screenshots, and post it on youtube. First, what im asking you, is what screensots do you like, and if possible, could you add a link the the picture as well. Screenshots we use will all have the authors names in the credits, hopefully increasing publicity for the screenshots and getting them more downloads. We are hoping to include about 25-75 screenshots, and if we get too many, we may do another. Please post links to your faves. We are also taking any entrys (funny, action, etc.) offopic* WOO 100 POSTS
I have two or three. Ive got a couple more.... if you want them. B.net aint working at the moment.... but I'll have a link up when it is.
That 3rd picture, on guardian, thats acctualy a pic from the game? Not photoshopped or anything, cos thats ace!
Not at all..... It's in my fileshare... Send me a request..... Ellemennt75. (I don't even know how to use photoshop. I'm pothetic, I know!)
I don't know if you are still doing this, it's been a week. Here is a pic from my thread, it isn't like BOOM or anything but I like it. It's just scenery fyi.
I have some screenshots here you might like if you want to check them out. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Service Record
Heres a few of mine...well not really a few but here they are: Crying Faceplant Lazer Grindin Breakdance Happy Camper Matrix My Hump! zOmG!!! Staged Shots: The Decaying Spartan In the dark Sword of Light The saber of blue flames Ice ninjas WereSpartan Howling at a full moon. Heavens Sniper Hells Sniper Dedication to Bungie: Sorry I don't have any links because my account got banned and Now my forge hub threads are all that I have left of my shots. Sorry I posted so many but their my best!!! BTW. If I do get in your video, please don't credit my banned account Savage Potato77, Please credit NtSoSweetPotato.