Continuing from the last map archive. [FONT="] Well heres my new Star Wars map, I put this in my application for mason but have since made it alot better and symmetrical, its definatly not my best work but i decided to upload it anyway, feel free to give suggestions for areas i can improve on. Map Link Screenshots Comparision with real AAT [/FONT][FONT="]Map Link Well after taking a break from Halo for a bit, I came across a game my dad had just bought, Unreal Tournament 3. So I messed about on it online for a bit and it is a great game. But anyway, after seeing a vehicle on it called the FZ-5 Raptor, I then had my inspriation for my new map. So here it is The Raptor, its not a remake as I did change quite a few things on it so it was more inspired. The Raptor has a square head, and a curved body with two wings on either side. At the front there are two mounted gun turrets (beam rifles), and is the inside is accessible by breaking the pallet at the top of the raptor. And heres a quick picture that I used for comparision. *Note there will be a final arhive for my remaining maps. [/FONT]
nice i like the raptor but u know the first one didnt look great but u combines some things with the scorpian underneath then that would be the real one(with the machine guns of course).