theres a few maps in it i believe that there is suposed to be 5? correct me if im wrong.. do you think in the mythic map pack we are goin to see a new forging map like foundry? im hoping. lol but do i think they will? no b/c bungie hates me. i searched to see if there was a thread of this already and i didnt find any so im asuming there isnt. sry if there is.
5, realy? if they do release another forge map i hope its outside . also i was looking at the halo 2 maps today and i had forgoten how much i love warlock.its an amazing map i hope we get it too
i hope so but i dont think we will. theres prob. going to be some new cool forge items but not a forge map.
ya. all the maps from halo 2 i like.. i think they ruined most halo 3 1s.. btw i think purple riegn is goin to be ascension. :-D
Honestly, i hadn't thought about it being a remake and i couldn't find where they talked about it in the updates but if it is the name does kind of fit. It would be awesome if this were the case. I absolutely loved ascension!
Bungie have said several times that purple reign isn't going to be a remake. I don't think there's a big enough need or demand for a new forging map so I think Bungie will stick with foundry for the time being anyway. There will hopefully be some new items for the new maps.
I doubt that there will be another pure forging map. I hope that the next map pack features Headlong, but I also hope that (other than headlong) there's no more remakes, just awesome original maps.
I doubt it to be honest, there is foundry, and as many complaints as there are about it, there really isn't enough reason for them to make a new foundry... Though, on the other hand, they already have most of the crap from foundry that they could just copy & paste over to a new map, which could be sexier, bigger, and have a separate item limit... P.S. blaze, watch the double post =X
I hope they make them new maps. Ghost Town ruled! And I hope they don't remake Blood Gulch. We already have enough of those kinds of maps. Maybe a map in space where aerial combat is the focus?
Purple Reign is not a remake, Bungie has said that multiple times. Moonbasebase Alpha is also an original map. Neither of those are forging maps. The last, Smuggler, has only been talked about a little. That one might be a remake, or it might be a forging map, but I don't think that it is either. There is only three maps, don't know where you got five. I'd cite some evidence, but I can't really do that right now.
Well smuggler could be a forge level just because it goes with the idea of shipment which is what foundry is, a shipping facility
Smuggler seems to be a Flood themed map. It's a hunch of mine. But still, a Forgeable Flood map would be SICK! Though I doubt it will happen. What I'd really like is a Covenant style Foundry, so we could all make maps in bright colors that burn the eyes.
I'm hoping they come out with a big flat open expanse. like picture valhalla (cliff surroundings, water, etc.) then just flat for everything and the bases are gone. I think that would be really sick for forging. you would be able to get more creative in designing your own map and be able to work more with vehicles.
There are only three maps in every map pack, don't know where you got 5 from. I think that there are going to be different items to forge with, but I really don't think there are going to be any maps that are forge focused. Bungie gave us foundry for forge and there probably won't be another forge map for a while.
They've never said they're always going to do 3 per pack. I'm hoping the next one is like "1 forge map, 1 remake, 3 new" that would be so awesome.
Ok, first, why are people naming the next map pack the Mythic Map Pack? Second, it'll probally be three maps, considering Everybody thought there'd be 4 maps in the Legendary Map Pack (Fourth difficulty...). Anywho, if there is, I hope it's much larger than Foundry and is more symmetrical, with alot more unique things. But only Bungie knows the truth. P.S. is the "Mythic" Map Pack going to be the last map pack, I heard rumors.
` i agree totally ya. i know. just wanted to see what you think. i wanna se asension and headlong... i read it in a forum website asosiated with bungie so i think thats what its called. i hope so too.. and is it the last? i really hope not b/c honestly none of the maps bungie has made saticfy me any.
I personally think that they will I used to surf bungie alot and they seem to have a lot of respect for good forgers I cant see what they're going to lose if they do make a map I mean this forum has 15,000 users +more so i wouldnt be surprised if they do
I surely hope so, but i dont see it very likely. We already have 2 maps confirmed, and they dont sound like some sort of Foundry-a-like.