I have issue with this as a review criteria. For anyone playing a normal game with non-asshole players, no one is going to try and grenade jump off of a deployable cover to escape the map, even if it were an Oddball game (Infection is not a supported gametype here). If there were an area missed by the map author where someone could easily and by 'normal' (even equipment jumping) methods escape a map, then it should be judged as a potential detriment to the games playability. Otherwise I don't feel that it holds credibility as an issue that needs to be addressed. I don't mean to flame or insult you Roche; overall you gave a fine review. I've just seen and read too many other comments about the ease with which people can escape a map that has no relevance in actual gameplay. I just needed to get it off my chest. [/bitchfest]
Wow Squid, that must have really been bothering you. In the end I think the system could be rated such as this: 0/10 - You can walk out of the map.... 2.5/10 - You can jump out of the map using map geometry 5/10 - You can grenade jump out of the map 7.5/10 - You can use several methods combined to escape the map 10/10 - Inescapable Of course this doesn't take spawning into account, but that might be worth judging separately....
I partially agree with both squidhands and Roche. You see, it shouldn't have gotten 5/10 for that category for being able to escape with a moderately difficult grenade jump. It may not be entirely practical for gameplay but it can still be done. What you don't seem to understand squidhands, is that plenty of people, myslef included, will make good use of flaws like that to gain the upperhand. It isn't being an "asshole", it is using intelligence and whit to win. I get out of maps all the time to win, but it isn't so easy in Electron as to the player successfully pulling it off every game. Thus, 7/10 for durability.
This actually strengthens my argument. I'm well aware of certain map exploit tactics to win games (I was a big 'carney hole' camper in H2), but as far as a critique goes, my personal opinion is that it should be based on tactical relevance. Sure, you may be able to get out of the map, but is it something that will hinder your teammates when you try to get there just so you can pull off a couple of headshots? More importantly, is it even something you can pull off in an actual game and not just a forgethrough? I think things of that nature should be taken in consideration when judging a map's durability, as you and Draw the Line mentioned.
love this map this map DTL. It's a great arena map with a superve weapon set that complements the map very well. I hope to keep this on my HDD forever. I been practicing the man cannon jump in forge when I get board some times. I hope to get more then just a Team Slayer game very soon.
Basic forge techniques are great but the layout has been done before in the circle sort of shape u have done 4/5 for me
It looks purty. The guy in the last pic looks more like he's throwing a javelin than a 'nade, but that's beside the point. I tend to like simplistic layouts, so I'd think I'll enjoy this one.