ok so im testing some man cannons out for a new idea for a map what i did was i set up a man cannon so when u go through it, it shoots u into the air and u go through a teleportal. simple right? no! when i test it the first time it go's off without a hitch then when i try it in custome match i dont get enough air and i never reach the tele then i go back into forge and i get the same result not enough air i miss the tele all together so i restart the match and to my amazment it works again i hit the man cannaon and it shoots me straight into the tele so i decide to end game and restart and again i dont get enough air F%$k so i restart level and BLAM i make it WTF F%$K S*&T D*%#N Is this happening to anhyone else does anyone have a clue on how to fix it my map rests on the idea that i get this to work if i cant then the whole map will end up in the trash any and all help would be appreciated later LEGION
i tried both way jumping walking hell i even jumped and landed on the b@sterd all the same i could not reach it unless i restart the match that was my fear
It's weird but sometimes when you start a forge sessions the man cannons are only working (or seem to be) at 90% power, so start a new round as soon as you start up forge. And how far away is the tele - it you want people to hit it consitently just put it closer
It all depends on how you go up to it. The slightest difference can have a drastic effect. I learned from the past..
I've had problems like this before and i've realized that the only way to Totally fix it is to have a Teleporter leading into the mancannon first which will perfectly allign you with the whole thing and make it consistent every time. Or you could just make your range of teleports more by using more senders... either way they both work.
How about putting walls around/in fornt of it like the mancannon in Valhalla? I've never tried it but it might work.
Yes, man-cannons can be a bit unpredictable. I tend to avoid them personally. You said that you sometimes veer of to one side? You can put up high walls on either side so that this is not possible. You go too high or too low? Trial and error. Maybe, if you use my wall idea, you could fill the space of the gap with teleporters, that way you cant miss! Well, I hope this helps, I'm pretty sure it must.
ive noticed certian things like that. i hate when i plan soemthing out with a man cannon in forge and it over throws me in costom matches.. or i put an overshield ect as a base marker and i cant get it in forge but i can in custom games. :'(
The same thing happened to me. I made this sweet man cannon that launched people over to the other side of the map in foundry, then when i did it in a custom game it would only work half of the time, the other half it just put me halfway.
Yes i usally do too..... but right now my map depends on them no, not at all just high and low is the issue mines the oppisite i hit it in forge then in customes i dont reach it so i think im figureing this b@sterd out what im doing is i only set up cannons and tele's in the inital round (i do not restart round) if i need to start a new round i just end session then start it up again after i place a couple of cannons and tele's i go to custom games and dbl check and it seems to keep the mancannon's power consistant i also took some of your guy's advice and moved the tele's closer to the cannons and placed some cannons right next to a recv nod to help keep consistincy on the longer jumps thanks for all your help ill keep u guys posted if i find a easer way to keep power consistant for the mancannons Keep a eye out for this map TeleHorror later LEGION
Thats not true ive tested local, l.a.n., and live and im comming up with the same results with two testers with me