Map Title: Bomb Site What better way to make a building better than to blow it up. Download Map Download Gametype Description: The map is an attack/defend assault. The attacking team must take their bomb and score 3 points to win the round. The map consists of 1 main base i the center of the map, with 2 "generators" outside of the main base to each side that each house a bomb point. Once a bomb is placed and detonated at either generator, a gate leading to the area of the map closes, leaving the other generator the only other point for the attackers to score. Once both generators are "detroyed" a gate leading into the main base opens up, where the attackers must plant their 3rd and final bomb to win the game. Junction leading to generators and main base Side A generator (side B is identical) Main Base
You might wanna look here before you post your map so you can learn how to post images with Oh hell ill just explain it Goto, find your pictures... right click and save them... and then upload them here and get the BBCode and post them here using Code: [img]<URL/BBCode OF IMAGE HERE>[/img] you can also post images using their URL location which you can find by right clicking on the image after you post on and going to properties, and copying the Location: But besides that welcome to ForgeHub.
First of all, welcome to Forge Hub! Glad to see a new member. Second, posting is a large portion of this site. While posting, a guideline needs to be met so everyone can enjoy your map. Embedding pics looks to be your troubled spot so here's a quick tutorial on how to get them up: 1) Go to bungie screenshots 2) Double click the screens you wish to upload twice and save to desktop when the box shows up 3) Go to an image hosting website such as Photobucket 4) If you don't have an account on this, make one and access your photo album 5) Upload the pictures from desktop by pressing the blue Upload button 6) Take the direct link from the uploaded picture 7) Go onto forgehub and put in the code- without spaces. I hope this helps you out. PM me with any questions or concerns you may have. Good luck!
^ yeah, i just used a url from checking my pics properties on b-net. i see them fine, but i geuss other can't. i'll fix it up.
Welcome to forge hub, your post is not up to the standards of the thread posting rules, to see how to correct you post click on THIS or THIS
OK seriously guys, we only need ONE person posting and telling him that his pictures are messed up. Same goes for ALL the other topics. jeez
Here's the thing about that but maybe you missed it. Everyone has already had this discussion. Usually people post at the same time, so they all say the same thing. You weren't the first person on this thread, so embrace the fact that everyone wants to help out a new member
ok i soz. lol. point taken. i wun help next time then * SAD FACE *... no lol but i can see your point... and i wont be so fast on the OMG I ALRDY HELPED factor. I didn't want to double post so i added my feed back here. OK emm, feedback, yesh... well here we go. over all everything looks rather smooth except for a few things. Junction leading to generators and main base: Everything looks well built and thought out... and very pleasing to the eye, but will you be so kindly as to explain what the vertical sheid walls are for? Side A, and B Generator: I dont have much to comment here for the fact that it seems rather bland and well yeah... Main Base: Everything looks rather simple... almost like not much thought was put in.the only other thing is that that wire box is crooked (damn my OCD) Side Note(s): Is that a dumpster door i see there? Lack of intlocking but other wise well built. Also: It would be nice for me if you could supply a few more pics so i get a general understanding of the map OVER-all? thnx.
The map seems very messy, and it looks like you interlocked for the sake of interlocking. Other than that, a really interesting map.
yeah, my maps aren't usually profesional looking. though most of what you see is put there for a reason. the vertical shield doors are to make sure somebody can't shoot the grav lift holding up the dumpster gates before the bomb detonates, and basically ruining the point of the map. it may not seem like an obvious thing to do, but i know some players who always look for a way to exploit a map in anyway. though all shield doors are put for a reason, to makes sure people don't shoot into an area i don't want them to shoot at. The main base looks plain, but its ment to be a long winding path up the stairs to the point at the end of the long walkway, where its easy to defend from people coming up, but hard to get up to if there's defenders already on top (in theory, anyway). The defenders also spawn on the bottom of the base in the back (under the walkway) where they can quickly spawn and stop incoming attackers. in my gametype for the game i also give a 3 second invulnerability to help with spawn camping here, and everyone spawns together to also help with this since they do respawn in a small open area. most of the site looks bland because i ran out of cash about halfway thorugh making it after i figuered out how to make the doors close with the detonation. also, to tell the truth, the map is in its beta stages and i haven't worked out some of the gameplay, or aesthetic elements i geuss. my friends rarely play H3 anymore and if they did i probably only get 3 guys before they would leave and 3 more would come, so testing my maps is a challange :\ I thank everyone for their feedback. i really appreciate it, and now i know what to work on: making it look pretier I'll get one it, though i hope you try this version out and tell me what you think of its gameplay.