La Rampa Vista

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    La Rampa Vista
    Halo 3 maps take place on Earth or on the Ark. Wanna go to the moon?

    Download Map: La Rampa Vista
    Download Gametype: Dare Devil King
    Download Gametype: Dare Devil VIP

    Also check out Mega Ramp. SykoOne has taken this map and converted it into a great race track.


    La Rampa could easily be mistaken for a "toy map", which it is, but there are totally viable competative games involved.

    new: There are now two gametypes.

    DDK is a team King of the Hill game that requires players to succesfully ramp vehicles through the field goal uprights to score. It's 10 points for each ramp and 1 point for each kill, going to 100. Field goal scores are multiplied by the number of occupants in the vehicle, so if you bring a full Hog, it's 30 points.

    DD VIP is a one-sided asymmetrical version. Making use of the ability to spawn idems according to game symmetry, La Rampa Vista is quite differant from DDK (symmetrical) to DDV (asymmmetrical). Now, teams must take turns on the ramp like gentlemen. One team is allowed on the ramp, while the other team must try to thwart ramp attempts from the ground. Members of the scoring team must commit suicide (no penalty) to respawn at the ramp start area.

    The map looks kind of sloppy in Forge because everything spawns, regardless of symmetry. Please keep this in mind.

    The landing zone is spectacularly volitile, but suicides and betrayals are without penalty, so don't be afraid to stick the explosive landing.



    I was asked to add a Ghost and a Chopper to the ramp, but these don't perform very well on the ramp. If anyone want to try them, it's too easy to put them up there yourself.


    As you can see, the scoring zone is defensable, with a wide range of methods. It might be a good idea to bring someone to man that GAUSS.

    This is the "menu". Get it?

    The trick to stay on the ramp is to concentrate on keeping the reticule in the center of the ramp. The Goose is quite easy, the Hog is quite a bit harder.

    Also remember to destroy the vehicle if you fall off the ramp or if it survives the landing in order to make it respawn back up top.

    My absolute favorite game to play on this map called Bail-Out, but you have to keep score yourself. Big-time honor rules, but crazy fun.
    Basically, you bail out of the vehicle right as you pass through the uprights and try to hit the landing zone with a rocket. I spent quite a few hours playing yesterday, laughing my ass off the whole time.
    See scoring scheme, a few posts down.



    --- For more info, here's the old post. It's locked, but still relevant.

    Download Map: La Rampa Vista
    Download Gametype: Dare Devil King
    Download Gametype: Dare Devil VIP
    #1 Indie Anthias, Jan 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. StaticLife.

    StaticLife. Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    First post ever on this forum! Wohoo :).

    But to get to the topic, exactly how does a CTF match work on this map? Because if the team who is defending decides to camp up by the flag they basically just can block the teleporter? Or blow up the vehicles?
  3. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    CTF was an afterthought, so it's not perfect. The way I addressed this was making the flag actually spawn close to the attackers to make up for the gauntlet they have to cross to score. Also, this only applies to One Flag. In symmetrical CTF, the flags are in the bases as normal.

    *edit* also, I would like to point out that I did try to make all gametypes functional, but that was really just to make myself happy. Honestly..... don't play CTF or VIP or Infection or any of those others. I reccomend 3 games.
    1. Suicide is Painless Slayer----- just to play around. I haven't posted the gametype... all you do is turn off suicide penalties for score and respawn time.
    2. Dare Devil King----- Gametype included... this one is very good.
    3. La Rampa Bail Out----- honor rules game, see below for details. If you don't like honor rules, go with DDK.
  4. NightmareXx

    NightmareXx Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    i totally agree with how the top was so cramp. once i got stuck between the shield doors and ended up going down backwards ;D
    gg with the improvenments
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    Sweet. I actually deleted the old shield doors while I was playing around with Rampy because they frustrated me. Good fix.

    There's weapons on this map? Lol, I was distracted by that giant ramp.

    I have to admit that the map seemed like just a big ramp. Don't get me wrong, it seemed like a really fun big ramp. I did a few launches off rampy and I had a blast. I'm really impressed with how you made actual competitive games out of it. Dare Devil King sounds really fun. This map just got a reason to stay on my hard drive for longer than 5 minutes.

    What's in a name? I disagree with Lance, the guy who didn't like the name. I thought the name was adorable. However, I do think that it was a gimmick name for a gimmick map. With all of the gameplay elements that you've added, this map deserves a true name. But regardless, names are usually the least important part of making a great map.

    Anyway, great job on the revision. I look forward to playing Dare Devil King.
  6. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    Now I'm the bad guy...ah, poo. I didn't like the name, sorry. =/ I think "La Rampa" sounds incredibly sexy, and I would keep it on my hard drive for years just to make my XBOX seem more attractive. [/weirdness]

    LOVE the way you spruced this sucker up. You did above and beyond what I expected, and you rose far above even the suggestions that were given. Very, very well-done. I appreciate the listening skills almost as much as I do your clearly above-average talent and creativity. Great job.

    On the side note, Furious, I find it humorous that you called a map from a killing game "adorable." I still love you, though, no matter what anyone says. :D
  7. Shadow_Player

    Shadow_Player Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    OMFG...this map looks like a map i can play for hours queing it tha post and awesome job for your first one...DDK here i come baby!!! ;D :p
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    OK... here's how to play La Rampa Bail-Out. Trust me, this is way more fun than any other gametype. It's a big-time honor rules game, as you have to keep score manually. If anyone wants to suggest modifications to these rules, by all means.

    Official Rules

    Played in Forge

    The objective is to ride the ramp, bail out of the vehicle in mid-air (right as you pass through the uprights), and attempt to detonate the fusion coils with your weapon of choice before the vehicle lands. Players take turns. A turn is made up of two ramp attempts: one with the Warthog and one with the Mongoose. Players must destroy the vehicle after every ramp one way or another in order to make it respawn. If it's not your turn to ramp, your job is to view the action as the monitor from whatever angle suits you best and make judgment calls. For best results, enlist the services of a full-time objective referee.

    The scoring scheme

    The player must properly ramp, bail, and fire an acurate shot that detonates the fusion coils in order to enable scoring. Penalties can still be deducted if the player fails in this, but no points can be added.

    --->Basic Objective Points
    detonate fusion coils with weapon: +10

    --->Player Physical Condition
    survive the ramp: +5
    take no damage: +10

    --->Power Up Grabs
    grab the Active Camo: +20
    grab the Overshield: +70 -I'm not sure this is even possible, you always bail to the left

    --->Player Landing Points
    land on the fence box: +20
    land on an antennae: +50

    --->Weapon of Choice
    Rocket Launcher +0
    Fuel Rod Gun +0
    Brute Shot +0
    Battle Rifle +5
    Covenant Carbine +5
    Magnum +5
    Sniper Rifle +10
    Beam Rifle +10
    Grenade (any) +10

    ramp with pyros activated +5
    any additional vehicles destroyed +5
    any additional players killed +5

    fall off the ramp -40
    hit goal post -20
    miss goal posts to the outside -30
    failure to detonate fusion coils -20
    failure to destroy the vehicle -20
    failure to take shot -30
  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    wow, Bail-Out does sound fun. I'm going to try that next time I play. If it's as fun as you make it sound, I might have to invite my buddies.

    By the way, I'm expecting to hear someone say, "honor rule games are bad." Don't listen to them. Some of the most fun I've had in Halo multi-player has been in honor rule games.
  10. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    great looking map, itd be intresting to see how it plays.
  11. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    Well, I have to download this. I got the first one and it was pretty sweet. I played for a while, but like people said, it lost its zest after a while. Hopefully this will last much longer!
  12. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    Theres no question of not downloading this. What an amazing idea. I love your creativity. Nicely done.
  13. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    Very good job on this just downloaded it, I cant wait to play!

  14. PLTownsU

    PLTownsU Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    ok nice ma i downloadin it now but how do you use "pyro" do u mean blow up stuff in ramp?
  15. MagicalMonkey93

    MagicalMonkey93 Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    Even though it's just a big ramp, it's a very nice huge football goal scoring ramp which makes it 10x funner.
  16. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    There's a pile of propane tanks at the bottom of the ramp that you can set off for dramatic effect. Once ignited, a chain reaction begins, lasting anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes. I've seen both extremes. I actually spent some time trying to make them automatically and constantly blowing up, but wisely decided to leave it optional.
  17. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    I've got to DL this. I hardly have a choice. Looks like wacky fun.
  18. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5)

    I'm new to Forge Hub. I actually joined because of what a mess the Bungie threads are, and I wanted to share my map that we've been addicted to. You posted on my map, and I noticed that mine looks conceptually similar to La Rampa in that it includes a ramp that is essential to scoring, and I'm excited to try yours out and see how you put it all together.
  19. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Re: La Rampa

    OK the map, gametype, and post have all been updated. DDK is now more balanced, teleporter camping is still a problem, but it's been addressed the best I know how. Vehicles should respawn at the top a bit faster.
  20. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Re: La Rampa

    Basically, I see a ramp and explosions. A door of oppurtunity to those with rather...creative minds? Yes :squirrel_jaffa:

    But it just doesn't cut it to me. One ramp isn't much. I recommend you take your creativity and imagination, as well as aesthetic skill (the ramp and all look great), and make a whole stunt park. Maybe a territories game would fit that.

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