Boxed In Rage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GTA_Tom_V, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
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    UPDATE: I have recreated this map in Halo Reach, you can find the thread here:
    Boxed In Rage: Halo Reach

    EDIT: There is a newer version which basically fixes the camping problems in the basement with mancannons replacing the tele's, and fixes a few other small problems. I can't say when I will upload it, maybe within a week.

    Also, I'm currently working on a remake of this map in Halo:Reach. It's as much a like as this one as Valhalla is to Coagulation... :/ so we will see how it turns out, now, onto the original post:

    Umm... Hey everyone... this is my first ever post on here so I hope I do everything right... It's not loading a preview and I don't have enough time to wait and see what happens so I'll check back tomorrow to see how this post turned out, sorry...

    My map is Boxed In Rage

    The actual description on my map thread on the Halo3 website is so detailed I probably over did it lol, but here is a brief summary of the map:

    The Map's Actual Description:
    Two teams on opposing sides of a warehouse struggle for control of the same bloody and cramped space. 2-12players - Team Slayer

    Brief Map Description
    Basicly, It's a small box map with two bases, one on each side, except they are connected, forming a warehouse. The map is designed for long, medium, short, and close range. There's snipers, BR's, RL's, and all the good stuff lol. To get to the basement you jump down an opening on the rooftop, and to get back up you walk into a grav lift which shoots you into a tele that spawns you back on the roof. There are a total of three levels or floors which are the rooftops, the ground floor, and the basement. The basement was created especially for close and short range combat, while the rooftops and the ground floor were created for long, medium, and short range combat. I did my best to try to make this map as balanced as possible. Every weapon, grenade, player, and object spawn is equally spaced on both sides. Both teams have an equal chance of winning, it all depends on the players skill. Even though my map will never be as good as one of Bungie's or even the ones here, I have to say that I tried my best because I want people to have as much fun on my map as they would any other map they could play on Halo.

    These are the main pictures of my map:
    *Thanks a lot to TheYavimayan for fixing my pictures, I know what to do next time lol, sorry about my mistake.









    I use the default Team Slayer with my map, but any other variant of team slayer is alright. Only versions of Team Slayer will work because that's all that will work for the map. It's really too small for games like CTF or KoTH.

    I've been testing the map a lot with a few of my friends and the map seems to play best weither with only 1v1 or 6v6 and up. It just plays better with either 2 people or a lot of people. When there's something like 2v2 or 3v3, players tend to camp near the tele spawns, which is never good! With more players there this problem is avoided because of the limited player spawns in the basement which causes more people to spawn on the upper levels. I want to be able to have any number of players though, so this bothers me. I'm going to make a new update for the map to create more entrances and exits to the basement other than just the drop-offs and tele's. The updated map will look and play very differently I'm sure, so I'm just going to upload it as a new map. It feels great to somewhat be getting back into forge again lol. But anyways, thanks to all of those who've taken the time to check out my map, to comment, rate, and download it: you're awesome!

    Thanks for checkin out my map. I hope everyone who downloads my map enjoys it.

    #1 GTA_Tom_V, Jan 9, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  2. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    I fixed them all, you used the image page instead of the direct image link
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Tom, very nice first post. There are plenty of pictures, a good description, and all the objects look neatly placed. I'll probably download this and check it out in Forge. In the meantime, here are my first impressions:

    Right now, your post says, "My map is Download Map." Either change "download map" to the name of the map or delete "My map is." [/nitpicking]

    It seems like you put a lot of thought into creating a map that is fun for many types of players. Also, you put effort into making it balanced. Those two things make me want to download this map.

    Also, delete that last screenshot, the one with the two blue guys. It is a nice pic, but it does not show the map. It isn't needed here. While we're on the subject of screenshots, I like the fact that there are pics from actual games. It shows that you've actually tested this map.

    Finally, I clicked the download link and when I saw how many screenshots you had there I said something aloud that cannot be repeated here. It was two words and started with "holy."

    Anyway, nice post, and welcome to Forge Hub.

    EDIT: I forgot to ask, what's with that double box on its side in the pic with the forklift? Why did you place it like that?
  4. NightmareXx

    NightmareXx Ancient
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    furious d basically said all that could be said.
    how does he always do that ???
  5. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
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    Niiice, thanks for taking the time to check out my map! I don't know if I'm supposed to reply or not here.... but here it goes...

    Alright, I fixed the other mistakes in my post, thanks for pointing them out so I could get to it right away. I removed the last picture, sorry about that, I don't know what I was thinking.

    Yes, I do have a crizap load of pictures on my map post lol, every screenshot of my map is listed there, but if you only want to see the "main" ones, I have those too, and there's even a slideshow.... Yeah, I know, I got carried away, but what else would I do with my spare time?

    About the sideways double box in the basement... Originally I was going to put it right-side-up, but I went too far ahead in building and forgot about it. When I remembered it was too late and it would only fit sideways. It turned out for the better because I eventually fixed it in a new version and people would just camp in there with the shotgun or rocket launcher. On it's side it's a bit harder to get into so fast and most people just don't want to take the time to do that.

    Thanks again for the comments on my map, I never got any on so I never new if people really liked it or were just downloading because others did....
  6. cazamodo

    cazamodo Ancient
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    I love the look of this map, im a great fan of smaller mroe competitive maps, im now dling it, so will check back to elt you know how it went.
  7. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Wow, great looking post. Honestly, just the name makes me want to download it and the images look great. I went onto the thread of this map and you have 31 IMAGES! It is also very detailed like you said. Since you put so much effort into this and it is obvious, you can be sure to get a download from me. :squirrel_rocking:
  8. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    very impressive, the name was what made me click on this post. then i was further impressed by the presentation of screenshots. i'd dl for sure but im having Bnet problems and when im able i will.
  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Tom, I got a chance to fly though this map in Forge. The layout and object placement look pretty good. I like the top side and bottom side aspect of it. It's definitely an interesting map, but there doesn't seem to be much to keep my attention. I get the feeling that after a game or two I'd be ready to move on to a new map.

    However, I didn't actually play a game on it, so who knows. It's a pretty good map, but I think next time you should try to come up with interesting environments that will result in varied encounters, not the same old same old.

    Oh yeah, I liked the gaps in the barriers so you can snipe people. That was cool.
  10. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
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    Kool, Kool, thanks for all the nice feedback, I really appreciate it.

    Well, I don't exactly know how to make a small map that plays different everytime sence most small maps have the same basic encounters when you think of maps like elongation and desolation. I think lockout wasnt completely the same because it had so many different ways to get to where you need to. Maybe I should try something like that...

    I'm sorry though, I may not be able to answer many further questions for awhile. This thing with my cable company is going on and....... yeah...... I'll try to go and use the computer at the library to check up on this page and answer any questions then. Everything with my internet should be fixed within a month minimum. Thanks again for all the comments, I'm already working on another map, a few maps actually, but none of them seem as great to me as this one is so I don't know if I'll follow through and finish them.
  11. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    is this your first dude? Cuz its Really good! i normally dislike smaller maps but this one was made very well... i like how the bases are open so your safer by going down into the center (take that campers!) and i like the overall setup... great map! totally downloading! :squirrel_rubberduck:
  12. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
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    Hey, sorry for the EXTREMELY long time it took me to reply - I just got my internet back. Thanks, Im glad everyone liked it, that means a lot to me. Yes, it was my first map, I've tried to make a few others but none came out quite as well. I'm most likely going to get back into map making, but after being Halo-neglected these past few months, I'm going to have to adjust to the halo atmosphere all over again. Thanks again for all the awesome feedback, It's encouraged me to go back to building maps once I get use to Halo again lol.
  13. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Looks spiffy. Yeah I said spiffy,wanna fight about it?

    But seriously, I'm gonna download and if I am impressed I will be back with a long and witty post praising you,if not just assume I hate you.

    I'm just kidding buddy,hopefully I'll be back here with some good news.
  14. piggy

    piggy Ancient
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  15. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
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    I've been testing the map a lot with a few of my friends and the map seems to play best either with only 1v1 or 6v6 and up. It just plays better with either 2 people or a lot of people. When there's something like 2v2 or 3v3, players tend to camp near the tele spawns, which is never good! With more players there this problem is avoided because of the limited player spawns in the basement which causes more people to spawn on the upper levels. I want to be able to have any number of players though, so this bothers me. I'm going to make a new update for the map to create more entrances and exits to the basement other than just the drop-offs and tele's. The updated map will look and play very differently I'm sure, so I'm just going to upload it as a new map. It feels great to somewhat be getting back into forge again lol. But anyways, thanks to all of those who've taken the time to check out my map, to comment, rate, and download it: you're awesome!

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