
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Y35 <3, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Antartic Chill

    Map Link Antartic Chill

    Community Reviewer: I Carter I
    Map Review-
    Description: 5/5
    Pictures: 4.5/5 [could add an overview]
    Map Idea: 4/5 [cleverly done, but no things that stand out 'groundbreaking']
    Map Quality {layout}: 5/5 [cleverly layed out]
    Map Quality {looks}: 4/5

    Comments: I think the great thing about this map is how much thought has been put into the layout, to make Blackout bigger but keep the fast-flowing gameplay. The only thing I would suggest would be to make the overall map look better aesthetically- some of the map additions look a bit basic, such as the part you named the 'left elbow'. I think you could have removed the 'bottom ring', as it seems a bit unnecessary, and used the materials from that to make some of the map look better. Overall though, a cleverly made map that adds some new and interesting gameplay to Blackout.

    Overall: 4.5/5

    Map Overview: This map is based in and around blackout, Ever since the Legendary map pack has come out people have been customizing Blackout in some pretty neat ways, Borg however, felt like they weren't that great and that they needed to connect the map back to itself. In other words, Borg felt like the maps didn't run smoothly for game play.

    Map Description: This map includes many more platforms and escape routes for the common player, it has extra bases, buildings, and even lets you run outside the map then in a split second jump back into the game.

    Weapons: For this map Borg went with most of the basic Blackout weapons except for the power weapon of choice, you guessed it, the Rocker "Lawnchair" as people call it. Its easily accessible from both teams and it comes with its own tower :)

    GameTypes: This map plays great for just ordinary Team slayer or Free For All. Borg finds that you need a Battle Rifle most of the time as the map is expanded alot.

    (As a reminder, The Picture Details are ABOVE THE PICTURE)

    This First Picture is a "somewhat" overview of the map, it shows the sniper tower platform and part of the Big Slope

    As seen in the first picture in the corner, this is the slope that can take you from story 3 to the bottom of the map, easily accessible and it flows greatly

    This Is a small base that is set off of the big slope on the middle story, it carries some flame grenades and once again, allows for smoother game-play

    The rocket tower is set to the side of the big Fan Lift, and next to the Battle rifle tower, this is a great achievement for me as it is a two story base that yields a rocket launcher, from here you can access almost all parts of the map including the bottom ring.[​IMG]

    A closer view of the Rocket tower shows the actual rockets guarded by some hungry fusion coils

    The bottom ring is a full 360 degree path around the bottom of the giant lift structure [​IMG]

    Here we can see the Bottom ring from a different view[​IMG]

    As i mentioned before, you are able to get from any part of the map back into the battle right is this you say? by these little suckers right here[​IMG]

    And heres another

    The left elbow of the map is also a great find, from the bottom you can easily lift yourself into the top of the sniper tower, here you can see the gravity lift and the elbow[​IMG]

    Now For some Action Shots:





    Special Thanks to:
    Borg k79- Creator
    I hope you guys enjoy this map as i did, have fun and don't forget to rate and comment!
    one last thing, most of you have stopped reading this by now, but i know this is not MLG, it was a test to see if MLG in your name is for more views or just because people like it in their map name, after putting MLG in the map name, the views increased by about 30% per day.
    #1 Y35 <3, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
    LOCK.xcf likes this.
  2. echo_k9

    echo_k9 Ancient
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    Looks great you have like doubled blackouts area. i am so dl this.
    keep up the good work.
  3. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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    Very very nice map. I will dl and see.
  4. Forge Monster

    Forge Monster Ancient
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    Wow, I tried making a map like this with back passages but I don't think it reached this level. I'd give it a 5/5 but I'll have to play it and see.
  5. rtlbeans

    rtlbeans Ancient
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    this looks good and nice use of the map i will try it out
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    wow, you actually truely expanded Blackout. The map looks much more bigger compared to the Default. I didnt expect that many structures to actually fit and flow well with the map. I really admire the time you put into the mp, great job. Although some interlocking could be smoother.....but it probably wouldn't effect the gmeplay too much.
  7. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I can make this a beta and try to fix some of the bumps as a version 2, its not a problem for me,
    but thank you guys for the good comments and criticism
  8. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    *sigh* if only i had the legendary map pack..... some day :(
  9. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Looks very good
    I like seeing good maps on blackout, but sadly its a rare site, but you did great
    Interlocking mid air is a challenge, and you seam to be a master at it. i love the rocket tower, it really looks good, and to tell you the truth, i think it will sell the map.

    i also really like how you basically made new grounds on the map, that also flow well with the ground that already there.

    In conclusion, its probably in the top 90% of maps made on blackout.

    Great job ;)

  10. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    great map liked the walk around parts and always glad to help.
  11. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    hey Xanon
    could you tell me in which picture you need some fixing up
    i know there are a few places, but if most people dont notice them Borg probably wont end up remaking this, however if i get enough people that like this map i would gladly fix things up a bit
    #11 Y35 <3, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  12. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Haha you did post it. I already got it from you before, but it still is one of my favorite maps from new DLC map pack.
  13. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    looks cool. you made Blackout bigger and it looks so awesome for some Team Snipers, or Shotty snipers.
  14. kramer1218

    kramer1218 Ancient
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    dled looks great
  15. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    the best Blackout map ever. I bow to your forging skills.
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys
    keep them coming though, i know its not a perfect map
  17. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    I'm not one for floating maps on Blackout, but since you wanted me to comment...
    It's pretty good. I like the hints at interlocking and how you tried to make it seem like a different Blackout. Some places in the pics look kind of squeezed in. (I may be crazy)

    Again, I'm not one for floating maps on blackout.
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I think this would be a giant map since you still have the original Blackout accessible as well as your added map. Awesome
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    The map is very big, i find it good to play on because of how blackout is set up, in halo 2 the red dot would fade if the enemy was below or above you, but in hale three its not that way, and sicne there are many bases it allows for a wide gamplay
  20. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Woah, that's kinda cool. I always think that if you're going to forge on blackout, you either incorporate the map or keep you structure as far away from it as possible. Very good job of adding something awesome to an already sweet map.

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