No pics sry but i have the link to my file share a map that doesnt send u 2 the start line again but has a little surprise and has some challenges in it 2. Made by Xxopzerox3 and ObsidainSythe.
ok first this post has again no pics and wheather you dont have any or not you have to have em yea i kno it sucks but you have to have them and yea its actually a big help and second of all the description of the map is "Remake of the classic Halo 2 map "Warlock" by HeavyMetal84. 2-8 players." seriously man I havent even seen pics and it dosent look like you put any work into this at all, but what do I kno it could be a bng. favs but seriosuly man really edit this thread
GOD, I'M sick of people, help the guy out, dont just say some crap on how he needs to fix it, actually help the guy out Welcome to forge hub, your post is not up to the standards of the thread posting rules, to see how to correct you post click on THIS or THIS