Haunted mansion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cheezbob, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You want Constuctive critisism well here you go #1 The map itself is sloppy in my eyes need work and more interlocking in some places. #2 If you make anouther Mansion Map at least make sure its better than previously made ones. #3 The basement is just cement barriers that you have to crawl around. #4 the outter area of the mansion is to large/could have more in depth cover instead of random objects add a second pool possibly. #5 You could use more rooms and open windows.#6 do you want me to continue because I can. I can play nice but I can play naughty too.
    #21 Eyeless Sid, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2008
  2. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    Thanks for the constructive critisism but you were clearly jsut putting my map down. oh well. ur prolly just mad cause gophers ate your eyes.
  3. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Actualy My eyes were lost in a cage match with three lions I won but at a price.
  4. The Last Donut

    The Last Donut Ancient
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    Shut up sid. This map is actually very fun. I love the roof and the vents.
    Ur jsut whining for no reason cheezbob did nothing against you he jsut said that your comment was irrelevent, which it was. So how about you shut up.

    And PS
    Thats what you tell your boyfriend LOL
  5. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    Donut, dude, be nice. He doesn't deserve to be made fun of for his comments even though they were harsh.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You know Dirrectly flaming can get you in trouble with the moderators just a heads up Oh and I know a few of the mods too ,how funny. On topic if you make anouther map be more orriginal in the ideas and you should be in the clear from critisism.
  7. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    Ur the only one who has said negative things about this map. Withing the first few hours of it bing uploaded i got several friend and group invites before it. Other people said...

    Hey this map looks amazing.

    wow this looks really good i really want to play

    i wouldn't call it a mansion, but it still looks like an awesome map

    nice man good job

    Looks like the most complex and largest mansion I've ever seen on foundry. It's interlocked which is good, and looks like it can comfortably fit about 12 people! I'm going to DL as soon as possible!

    that looks so cool thats great for infection ill dl for sure

    this looks incredible i've never seen a mansion map with this much thought definitely a dl

    Until you came along and picked a fight with me, i WAS jsut about "clear of critisism", for the most part anyway. So go flame a different map, because i'm not fighting you.
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You wanted feedback from a map by posting it and I gave it to you other people might say oh its a great map but then thats not helping you forge better or improve your map so be thankful I gave honest advice. Everyone who posts great map usualy say that to every map they see all they are doing is boosting their post count. If you don't want feedback fine take lies and keep on making minor mistakes that could be fixed or that could be improved on. Oh I don't flame I critisize or give feedback I didn't flame a dirrect person like the kid did to me.
  9. Shell Shock

    Shell Shock Guest

    I would have to agree with Eyeless Sid it could use improvements and you could be more creative in future posts.
  10. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    This map is pretty sweet. I like all these big house maps. Like Darklord's Manor etc.

    Eyeless Sid always bashes on other people's maps so don't fret OP.
  11. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    Thanks mango
  12. Jack_Macdaddy

    Jack_Macdaddy Ancient
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    How is this map only 3 stars!? Its the best house map ever!
  13. The Last Donut

    The Last Donut Ancient
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    Yeah Eyeless Sid made this 3 stars. I've played here and just about everything is interlocked, everything that HAS to be anyway. he's mean.
  14. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Yeah, he bashes on other people's maps to make him self feel better I guess. This map is the BEST house map I have played. There are SOOOO many places you can hide and go too. this map needs to be on the next living dead playlist.
  15. oWNoSid

    oWNoSid Guest

    There are already a mansion map in the living dead playlist theres no reason for two. Also Eyeless Sid gave his feedback He didn't totaly bash it he could have just came out and said "it sucks" but he didn't so be happy he gave some exlanations for his statment and If I remember right tango you used to bash people just for the sake of it, kind of hyprocritical if you ask me. :/
    #35 oWNoSid, Jun 10, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2008
  16. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    That mansion sucks. It is so plain and boring. No good hiding spots. All people do on Haunted Manor is camp in the roof with the turrets.

    This map is pwnage.
  17. deadGRENADER

    deadGRENADER Ancient
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    This map looks like there was a lot of time put into it. And I think it looks really good.
    #37 deadGRENADER, Jun 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  18. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    I hope you have fun playing on it, i know i think it's fun
  19. Jack_Macdaddy

    Jack_Macdaddy Ancient
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    Bring back the best house map ever!!
  20. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    This is the best maze/house map I have ever seen. The secret rooms and passages actually feel like secret passages. (if you get what I mean..)

    As soon as I get my xbox360 back from red ring of death (tomorrow! yes!!) I'm going to have a big infection game on this, although I'm not a real fan of Infection.

    That's just how good this map is. Getting me a non-infection fan to play it!

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