MattMaze --- A New, Hard, Maze Map w/ New Puzzles Can you make it through? Excuse the short descripition as I do not want to give away too much. This new puzzle map has been tested and each time taken long lengths of time to solve. Even when you know what the task is, you'll find yourself stumped on figuring out just how to do it. This map is designed to be completed solo and is completely possible. I will give hints, and even a walkthrough video if needed. Download Map Download Gametype Pictures: This is probably the most help I can give you for the first part. Do this....maybe a few times? Hmmm those marine pollutants reallycome in handy. That's a nice box. I'm sure I could put it to good use. Hmmmm.....
Hey I see your having trouble embedding your images into your post well you half done the job but try this guide, , well dont worry here is a quick way to fix this problem. Step 1. Access your screenshots that show your map & save them onto your computer. Step 2. Create an account on (its completly free). Step 3. Sign into your newly created account. Step 4. Use the Browse feature to select the screenshot/s required. (making sure you are selecting the pictures from your computer). Step 5. Press Upload and wait untill the process is complete. Step 6. Use the IMG Code
I majorly broke and complteted this map in under a minute. Click HERE to access the vid, it's called 'Mattmaze Break' in my fileshare.
I am fully aware that this map can be broken. I ran out of money. Its not news and its not a big deal. Just try to beat it the right way. Its called an honor rule. You guys are no fun.