
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by gorebound, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    - Brief Description -
    Elevation is a multileveled symmetrical map with great emphasis on balance. To ensue that gameplay will be fair all across the chart the map is created by the simple rule: "The higher you get, the less cover you are given".

    My intention with this map was to create a balanced experience. In order to make the gameplay as competetive as possible I only chose weapons and "equipment" that give a fair match against each other. Also I was very careful of where I placed each weapon so that you never feel flooded or out in the dry when it comes to ammo / grenades. Depending on what gametype is being played on the map the gameplay will drastically alter. For 2 - 8 players.

    Weapons on map:
    Battle rifles: 8
    Carbines: 8
    Maulers: 1
    Snipers: 1
    Plasma pistols: 2

    Frag grenades: 4
    Plasma grenades: 8
    Custom powerup: 1

    Overview of the central structure - Sniper spawns on the top bridge, mauler in the open box down to the left.

    Middle of the central structure - Custom powerup spawns inside the central structure.

    Backside of the central structure - Gravlift makes for a fast traverse to the top.

    Base side A

    Base side B

    Weapon loadout inside each team's base - Contains a Plasmapistol, a Battle Rifle and a Carbine.

    This map is designed for:
    Team Slayer
    King of the Hill
    Capture The Flag

    Download Elevation now!

    Please leave comments, and I'll be sure to answer your questions ASAP.
  2. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    I saw that you changed my title, ain't a problem with that. I'm just curious if there is anything else I should change in my post? I tried to follow your thread "How To Post Your Map" as close as I could.
  3. StaticLife.

    StaticLife. Ancient
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    I have to say that I really like this map! It's well put together and seems to be fairly balanced.

    However, don't you feel that the team who has the upper hand just can stay up top and spawncamp with the sniper?
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Everything in your post looks great.

    I noticed that the weapon variety is limited. Were you trying to create a specific feel with this map? I know that too many maps out there have too many weapons, I mean, how many lasers and gravity hammers do you need? I guess maybe the point of this map is to control the powerful areas, not the powerful weapons.

    The geometry looks interesting to me, so I'm going to download this. I don't know if I'll be able to play an actual game on it, but I'll definitely fly around it in Forge.
  5. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Since I have a background, even if it is very moderate, as a competetive player I chose weapons that never let you have the upper hand for too long. The weapons play out well against each other, every weapon has it's strengths and weaknesses. But you can always counter an attack from almost any range with the weapon setup that I've chosen on this map. I also deliberately chose to only have two "Powerweapons" in order to create choke points that the teams will struggle to control.

    When you play on this map I recommend that you set the starting weapon to BR. If you play it with a custom gametype you can make the Custom Powerup hold the abilities of your choice e.g. Superspeed, low-grav etc.
  6. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    I'm guessing you mean that one team is pinning down the other, not letting them come out from their spawn?
    Well it hasn't happened yet, but if one team decides to do that. There are BR / Carbines inside each base, and up top there is very little cover. So fling grenades and shoot up at the sniper to get him / them on the run.
  7. Helios

    Helios Ancient
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    When the game starts on this map, both teams have their own starting spawns, but then you spawn all over the map. So if you have BR as starting weapon it should not be that hard to fight back a team that have the power weapons. You will be amazed over how easy it is to trick your enemy and sneak up behind, or at least I thought so when me and Gorebound tried out the map.

    At last, very good presentation of the map Gorebound, wish you good luck!
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Gorebound, I just want to add that double posting is strongly discouraged here. I realize that you wanted to respond to two different people. In case you didn't know, when typing your reply to a post, scroll down below the text window and you will see the "Topic Summary" which shows all the posts with most recent first. At the top of each post, you'll see "insert quote." Clicking it will add the quote to your post. No need to double post to quote two people.

    At least that's how it should work. I've been having issues with it recently now that I think about it.

    I've had a chance to fly though this map in Forge. It looks really nice. Everything is placed carefully and neat. I especially liked the fence wall with gaps on the side so you can throw grenades at enemies on the other side. I also enjoyed the scenery placed between those fence walls on the sides of the map. It gives the map a little flavor without sacrificing gameplay.

    I'd like to play a game on this one some time. Very good map.
  9. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    nice map, but I have to tell you that a plasma pistol is nearly useless unless one has trained to use it with perfection, otherwise great looking map, it just feels a lot like foundry which makes me dislike it a little, but I'll probably give a download and try it out and give a reveiw after I'm done
  10. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    That's a really cool feature. I have been here since wordpress and never realized this and always quoted someone posted then went to quote someone else copy and paste back into the original thread with an edit.

    This map looks really clean and "competitive" which is what I think you were looking for. There is nothing like a well made map that is balanced. With a map focused on carbine and BR, you never really have an upper hand in a situation unless you are a ridiculous sniper which makes games that can change quickly. I am pretty competitive and love the BR, so I am going to give this a look. Oh yeah, the feature worked Furious; thanks.
  11. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    This map looks really nice...What is the gametype that it focuses around?

    It looks like a 1 flag ctf or oddball would work very well.
  12. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    That's exactly why I chose to put a plasmapistol on the map. In the hands of an adept it becomes lethal. Try to think of it as a different kind of mauler. You don't use either on a distance but up close and personal it just takes one shot and a punch to score a kill.

    It's configured to work with Slayer, Capture The Flag, Oddball and King of The Hill.

    That's exactly what I had in mind when I made the map. You don't want to snag your elbow on a wall that's sticking out or stumble over a uneven "floor", there has to be a constant flow when you play. And bare in mind that this was made before I knew about the Interlocking technique. That's something that I'm frequently using on my upcoming creation ;).

    Thank you for all the kind words :)
  13. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Well, I think I will queue it. I would like a look at it more closely.
  14. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I agree; sometimes simple is better. Sometimes people load maps down with weapons and it can butcher a map but a clean map set up with a purpose (competitive here) are typically the best maps. This is why starting with an idea in mind and building on it is always better than building something from scratch. The elements in a map that are most important to me are:presentation of the map, aesthetics, originality, fun, and purpose for everything on a map to ultimately lead to a balanced gameplay. This map appears to have all of these features; good luck with your newest map with the newest forge techniques.
  15. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Thanks man :) and I agree with you on all the points you brought up on how a map should be configured. To bad there are still people not willing to take the time to make a map the proper way.

    Hit me up with a friend request, my gamertag is gorebound. I could use someone on my friendlist that sees things the way I do when it comes to forge. Cause I'm guessing your not going to say "Place a rocket here. And here. And why not overhere?".
  16. OpIvyDude

    OpIvyDude Ancient
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    The map looks like there's a lot of effort put into it, plus it doesn't look bad for team tactical either.
  17. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    ah but you must realize that it is most useful at long range because to kill someone you must have the drop on them for by the time you've melee'd after the plasma pistol is one overheating they could have shot you enough and melee'd enough that you would lose the melee, personally it, in my opinion, is only useful at long range and requires a great ability to predict the enemy's movement, but well thought out response, and if you want the weapon to be used that way on your map then so be it.
    oops, yet another one sentence paragraph
  18. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    You got that right and thanks :) be sure to let me know if something isn't to your liking.

    I understand where you're coming from but since the plasmapistol isn't as effective as it was in Halo 2 I find it more useful at short to mid range as opposed to long range.
  19. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    i like the look of this map. too often, people overcomplicate a map by putting a lot of boxes and stairs everywhere. simply put, this map is elegant. Sooo many carbines though. Oh well, maybe it will provide a different experience.
  20. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Thank you. Did you ever feel that there were to many carbines on the map?

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