Newer Version out. Map no Longer Exist. Version 2 call Jagged Peak. Rock Crawler on Foundry Made By: JBARRON402 Map Location: Newer, Beter version out, called Jagged Peak Gametype: HaloTracks - Gametype Join our Racing Communtiy HaloTracks Youtube video: Click Here fo Video Pics: Garage Turn 1 Banked Turn Turn 3 Leading into Turn 4 Hill to Top Jump Over the Finish Line Link to: My Maps
The hill part reminds me of "Rock Crawling." It is the sport where they use those buggies to climb rocks.
Thanks guys. Let me know how it plays. I did some testing on it, but nothing a mass amount of people can tell me about it. If problems arise, I am sure to come out with a second version that will be more clean and fix any problem areas.
Can anyone tell me why, when I embed my video it shows up for so long, then disappears? It still shows the code in the post, it just will not show up on my thread after so long.
anyone that hasnt seen the youtube video for this needs to watch it! this is an awesome track. definate DL
The second version will be released soon. I put this up for people to play and get a mass amount of testing on it. There have been some problems that I have corrected in the second version. The main problem was with the inconsistency with the start. Some people flew would start off normal and some would be launched into the wall at the top. NO MORE. I have smoothed a few things over. Added a little more interlocking and new visual features. I have tweaked minor things to add to the flow of the map. There was an issue that was resolved regarding cheating. Only one spot to do and no more. I also made cheaters have to take a longer walk back to get another mongoose, so they will fall behind a lap or two if they didn't get the point while trying to cheat. Since people have been giving me crap about the name, the new name will be Jagged Peak. If you find any more problems or just want to throw a few of your suggestions out there, post them asap. Expect the second version soon. Again the new name will be Jagged Peak.
This map looks okay. The hill is cool, I love the off road style. But the rest of the map is your standerd race map fare. Also, it looks pretty easy to fall off the map, I would include some barries in these areas, and the doors/sighns on the banking turns look a little rickity, you might want to clean that up a little, I hate getting caught on a crudley made banked turn barrier.