Does anyone know a consistent way to make shield walls go sideways? it would be nice because then you could make pits that vehicles would run over but humans would hide inside of. (Faster than saving and quitting every time)
I can nly think of the saving and quiting method. I'm punished so I didn't get to play the maps, so I don't know if you can still use recievers or weapon holders.
You have to use "save and quit method" but its a pain in the butt cuz the shield door wants to like magnetize the bottom of the object to the nearest other object... takes a few tries but u can do it, i believe in you buddy!!!! :-* :-* :-*
I like that idea... it could be used for some very interesting maps. Save + Quit usually works for everything, although I don't really know how it works with magnetizing items... What do you know, just found...
anderf- I was thinking the same thing (roads for cars only) but vehicles bounce when they're put on top of shield doors. Try it in forge, you could play warthog ping-pong.
Yea... I tried it out and when a vehicle is out on a shield door it keeps its forward momentum, you cant turn or change its course, Which gives me an Idea, a very...weird idea
Weird ideas can also be complicated, and I have only made a single map before and It didnt include anything fancy, so I wouldnt be able to really make it since I don't have the expertise..
not reading rest of posts so sorry if its been said but I tryed this as soon as the maps came out I got it to work I put it on a wall, and had the grey corners at the top on another wall i haven't got it to work since then, but also vehicles bounce off it, so that's a no go
I have never done sideways shield doors. I've done a lot of other objects sideways and shield doors straight up but not sideways. I don't know but couldn't you just stick a double box down and then put a shield door sideways on it?
no it falls upside down when you do that, they are made so you can't put them sideways. the save and quit method is really the most efficient way.
Home Orange, your sloganizer just said "Home Orange on the outside, tasty on the inside." ~just thought I'd through that out there~
just put the shild door on a tilted object. however if you want it completly sideways you haveta use save and quit.