Thanks for the comments, good and bad. I'm taking it all on-board for the next optical-illusion map To get everying at a 45 degree angle I just start off with corner walls placed on their side next to each other, like so... ../\ ..../\ ./..\ ../..\ /....\ /....\ Then I place another corner wall in the gap, like so... ../\\....//\ ./..\\..//..\ /....\\//....\ Then I remove the two corner walls at the side, like so.. \..../ .\../ <--- You can walk on both sides of the inside of the corner wall. ..\/ What's left is a perfectly placed "V" to use as scaffolding to begin creating my rooms. I just use bridges against the "V" to extend out my scaffolding so that I can place all my objects perfectly.
It's a great map. I was a little regretful that I downloaded this map at first because I had already seen ten other maps just like it, but quickly after playing I realized that this map was unique. Great job and keep up the map making.
i have this map and half the time i was laughing at my friends and pwning them because they didnt know they could walk up walls
this is a great map, But makes me kinda dysi after a while, playing 10 sensativity and all.. i cant play this map for more than 10 mins... but all in all great map a good job well done mate.
its a great map (i like it for swat) but only one problem... every once and a while someone will spawn out of the map and they get in the vehicles and shoot everyone down. other then that its a great map and everyone should try it
Amazed... There are n words to describe this map its breathtaking to me. I have a question how long did this make take to build?... Any who this make is one of the top 5 i'ved played.
Rhis map is pure win sause, I love the upside down room, how did you manage to keep the mongoose and other things from being able to be knocked down?
This map is awesome. After a while I need to go into forge and fly out of the sideways map so I can see up and down. I'm happy this map got featured.
I'm unsure how that could've happened since there are no spawn points outside. I can only assume that you had more than the recommended 6 players and all the spawns I placed were covered, causing it to use one of the foundry's default spawn markers to spawn you outside.
all right i've tested the map and it has to be my favorite map evar. the asthetics the wepon placement the concept madtery. It is a complete jaw dropper 10/10
Nice job. Looks awosme. <a href=""><img src=" x GLEN x II .jpg" alt="" border="0" /></a>