Enclosed v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by AItius, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. AItius

    AItius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Enclosed v2
    Created by Aitius

    Supported Gametypes:
    One Flag
    note: Must have gametypes to play. Also, one flag is the one that I don't recommend. I put it in there in case someone would like to try it. Also, everything except one flag is set for FFA. If you would like to play with teams, change it yourself, and DO NOT have more than 2 teams

    Map Description
    Enclosed is a map that is only the base of Last Resort. I know there are other maps out there like this, but this was a chance to test my forging abilities and test posting. This is also meant for fast paced action. It is hard to camp due to tight spaces and multiple hallways.
    ***Changes from V1 to V2***
    -Added LOTS of scenery
    -Took out crate in left corner and made it a new room
    -Added grenades!!!
    -Took out all firebomb grenades
    -Added Mongoose just for fun
    -Made turrets spawn in symmetrical gametypes only

    ***Weapons List***
    Spiker x2 (45)
    SMG x2 (45)
    Sniper x1 (150)
    Shotgun x1 (150)
    Turret x2 (120)
    Needler x1 (60)
    Assault Rifle x2 (45)
    Battle Rifle x4 (45) It is also the starting weapon
    Plasma Pistol (60)
    Bubble Shield x1 (120)


    Sniper Perch

    Turret Hallway


    Another view

    Looking down shotgun hallway

    Comparison from v1

    Overview v1

    Turret Hallway 1 v1

    Overview 2 v1

    Turret Hallway 2 v1

    Looking down shotgun hallway v1

    Yours Truly


    Please note how disgustingly bland v1 was. V1 was my first ever map and I had little idea of what to do. Below are gametypes and link to download. Please leave feedback on what you think. Remember, no more than 2 teams if you decide to set it on team play.

    Download Enclosed
    Download Enclosed Oddball
    Download Enclosed 1 Flag
    Download Enclosed Slayer
    Download Enclosed KOTH

    View Version 1 Here
  2. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice to see a forge on an older map
  3. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, this has been done before a lot. The turret looks like an overpowering weapon, did that come up much in testing?
  4. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, two turrets might be two too many, looks like they could destroy everybody.
  5. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map, cool becasue its on the classic maps!
  6. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a good map!
    but i would take heed to everyone's suggestions about the turrets
    maybe delete one, or just move them to where they can't overpower everything

    p.s. i like the fact that before foundry everyone wanted a better map to forge on
    now people like it if others use the classic maps to forge on
    kinda ironic huh?

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