IMPRISONED Imprisoned The vague figure seen through the flames, beyond the fence, has been identified as staff sergeant Steven Williams. Steven Williams was KIA four weeks before the picture was taken. ?... Look hard through the fire, bring a larger screen up if you have to, eventually you will see the figure of a marine holding his Assault Rifle, ready for battle.
Thanks, I know it is hard to see, But once you see it you won't miss it again. Everytime I look at the pic I see him.
Who's Steve Williams? The picture would be fan freekin' tastic if I knew who steven Williams was and where you found the picture. PLEASE ASNWER
Don't mind you disliking the pic but I may have not read you right but there is a guy in the picture. Yea I admit it's hard to see but he's there facing you.
"Highly Recommended" i would advise not putting heading like this in title ppl get abit anoyed. the pics alright i like the idea its just really hard to see
Wow, very hard to see without looking properly, I didn't see him atall until I looked hard. Tis cool!
I started getting p*ssed off because I couldnt see it, so I gritted my teeth and went as close as I could go to the screen, and I GOT it!!!! That is a creepy pic.
Yea you see the outline of a marine. It's pretty indistinguishable-haha big word from anything else. Once you see the figure it's fairly clear what it is. Just for further notice, yes I made the pic and the figure hard to see on purpose, gives a kind of "Wheres Waldo?" feel to it.