I THINK ITS JUST TO HAVE FUN WITH http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38728659 HELLO MY PEOPLEdo you galla saod mountian rocks HELLO PEOPLE hello people
Welcome to forge hub! please read the "How to post" stickys at the top of each section! also please do not double post! thank you!
Shut up you are just think if he hasn't been posting for a long time then give him a break and also i am sure the map is better than yours.
ok theres no embeded pictures, (use photobucket) basically no descrption, and this is way to small to be a post. Look at someone elses post before you post yours. seriously we need a MOD in here
yeah i would definitely advise that you use the how to stickys, that way everyone can see the beauty of your posts, i cant believe i just said that.
if you use the formats provided for you, and read the rules on how to post, posting is simple and easy to do