H & R on Project A & Project O Much love goes to The Ballbrd for the originating our disecting of this gametype. By: The ABCrew (The ABCrew consists of Shad0w Viper & TxsOutlaw003) For more info about the ABCrew, go here Please note, this is a gametype, not a map. Map Description As I'm sure this gametype has been done a thousand times, The ABCrew has tweaked & tweaked & tweaked this gametype to be as balanced as possible. This works with most large maps, though we have two pre-set maps set-up pretty well. Project O is on Sandtrap, reason it's Project O, if you will take a solid look around the map, BAM there's a gigantic O all over your face. Project A is on Avalanche, which, think REALLY hard about it...hmmm...give up? Avalanche is in the shape of a capital A, woohoo, you're catching on quickly... Also, really quickly lets go over one more thing. H & R...what ever could that mean? Well, let's see here, your primary weapon is a Rocket Launcher, and your secondary weapon, is a Hammer...Hammer and Rockets, H & R OMGOMGOMG epic win. Weapons Infinite Ammo Rocket Launcher Hammer Regenerating Grenades Gametype Settings 300% speed 50% gravity 150 meter radar Way points above enemies heads at all times Scoring System The scoring system is what sets this aside from other gametypes like this, as we have tweaked this out like we were on an infinite supply of cocaine, and had nothing else to do...not really, but that is something to give you an idea... Rockets = 1 point Assassinations = 3 points Beatdowns = 3 points Sticks = 2 points Suicide = -1 point (so no point kamakazi'ing) Headshots = 3 points (from only thing that gets you a headshot, rockets...) Pictures Always the best part...pictures... One of the greatest parts of this gametype, is knocking away rockets with the hammer... Another epic part, BUBBLE BLOCKING Some of the greatest things to do, is nail that rocket, that you never saw coming... To describe what is going on here...Ivory thinks he's gunna knock away this rocket...but the rocket said no. The last gif, is Ivory examplifying how it is not as easy as it looks to knock away these rockets... The Gametype: H & R The not-as-important, maps: Project A & Project O
did you seriously just post this? can you rephrase your question for me, as i think you are a complete moron, and did NOT read a thing in the original post...
Wow... I am speechless I don't know what to say except Jessica Simpson eat your heart out! On Topic: These GIFs are freakin' EPIC (Is that on topic? =P)
why am i always the one getting owned in the GIF's!?!?!?!?!?! anyway, even though this is centred around the gametype it is still awesome, no matter what everyone else thinks.
lol, i don't know, but the GIF's are freakin' awesome imo, i just love watching ivory die =D which is why I created THIS because, ju r nub =P thanks, the GIF's were pretty random really, I think they're taking away from what this gametype is though, awesomesauce... There are two maps here shown, but this works well on default sandtrap/avalanche, as well as any other large map (stand off, valhalla, etc.)
haha, your kind of an idiot anyways, this looks really fun, reminds me of running around sand-trap with low grav, and full speed ahhhh, good times
I've done this many times with a huge party and is really fun, never seen it posted on forgehub though. The only thing I do different when I play is have a Spartan Laser instead of a Rocket Launcher. Otherwise, Gametype=Hours of fun!
Technically, Sandtrap would be a project 8, with its central path down the middle. If i was going into more technicalities, it would be something all to complicated to devise with a number or letter, but thats just me trying to be annoying. Its not often we see a map thats based around a gametype, usually its the opposite, but theres nothing wrong with that. I hope you expect not to get much feedback, because as you said, this idea has been done time and time again, but i dont want to take away from the idea. Its a great idea, and to be truthful, i havnt really ever played something like this, so you have my download. The screenshots are really nice, the GIF's dont really do it for me, but i see why you added them and they help greatly in describing the pupose of your map, and im glad you added this to Casual, where it belongs. Good job sir!
Yes people, this gametype has been done before a thousand times, but this is what shad0w n i play when we are stressed / bored. So we thought we would post something outside our competitive maps for once...thanks for the positive feedback. Sandtrap is an 8...you're a bastard... Also, nah, don't really care if we get lots of feedback, this is our fun map and if people don't like this, then it's not going to make us hate it. But also, the gif's were mainly there because of 2 reasons, 1 its ivory getting owned...2 its ivory getting owneed
Yay! I'm in the first pic! And second! And fifth! And yeah, Ivory got owned a lot in those games. lol
Oh this is a game type not a map ..,.spheww I thought you were literaly trying to get people to download blank maps basicaly to play a fast paced slayer on. LOL I was going to go ape **** on someone if that was the case but its not.Well the gametype seems playable , I'll try it and see how it works.
It sounds like alot of fun especially seeing people fly everywhere from a rocket in their face from someone else hitting the rocket with their grav hammer.