the map is well put together, it could be tweeked a little more, but i would just stick with it the way it is, this looks like a very nice hanger, glad to se something besides a ship, one bomb looks fun, good job
Wow this is one of the best Bases ive ever seen for the most part it is clean cut and interlocked the only thing i would change would be the main room floor, it is a lil bumby but it is still an awsome map. I love the uniquness and originality of the flag and bomb spawn very funny. i just joined forgehub and now im glad there are alot better maps posted here than on bungie great job Phantom!
Hey thanks guys i just got home from vacation and i have played alot of games with people that have downlaoded my map and if any of you would like to just message me over xbx live and dont forget to rate and comment on the thread on bungie, thanks again everyone =)
Thanks and if you ever want to play a game together on my map with some of my other friends just message me that goes for every one =)
vehicles there are a lot of vehicles on the map, the hornet might be a little powerful. it took me about 1 1/2 min. to figure out how to spell vehicle