Well, I keep on playing lone wolves but like 3-4 people arnt near each other, so how would you get them achievements? Any help? Any tips? Please say so.
it is most likely that those achievements would be achieved in king of the hill. everyone goes to the hill guns a blazing so when they're shooting at each other you can either throw a grenade and get some kills and kill anyone left with your AR or just steal the kills that other people are trying to get and kill them as well. Another way of course is the gametype swords. hope i helped
If you really want to get it, just boost. The way I got it, there was 2 people in the hill I naded them, killed another guy who walked in and then smacked some guy in the back for the overkill.
Shotty in gaurdian got me it or try sniper or sword or shotty or any power weapon on koth. recommend sniper you can get the 2 guys in the hill with the sword/shotty or rocket launcher but you cant get the ones going for it or are trying to do the same thing as you.
I got my overkill and triple kill achievements in a swords game on epitath. I just cut down 4 people in the middle.
Thanks Guys. Ill prob wait for the king in the hill match on "The Pit" ill get a turret, and then owned.
Simple There are quite a few ways to do this, i have a particular few ways that i find the easiest. 1. Swords, wait till two are clashing, get one the second he clashes, then take out the other, usually there are others near, just get lucky 2. go on the pit with the hill, when the hill is near one of the turrets, but a little bit off, wait till two people are there, then break the turret and take them both out for the kills, and destroy rest and get a little lucky 3. this was my way. go on gaurdian and get the sniper rifle, wait till two are there and snip em both, then shotgun the invisible guy and stick some guy for the overkill (this is highly unlikely, i got very lucky when this happened to me)
just timing. I dont remember my Triple Kill Achievement but I got Steppin Razor and Overkill in one game, Swords on Epitaph. Just hope you get a game of swords and perfect your lunge timing.
I just talked to everyone before the game and we agreed to give eachother the achievements. Lol that worked.
Swords for sure or nading the crap out of the hill in KoTH games, even though they are largely vetoed. Surprisingly, I got my steppin' razor achievement back during the ranked infection playlist back on Halloween, lol. I got my Overkill with was actually a Killtacular, in a swords game, but I guess it would also be pretty easy in Oddball provided that you're playing with noobs. (Note your rank)
Well, the way I did it was in oddball on guardian. I grabbed the skull went in the dead center and threw out a bubble... they got owned by my beatdowns haha.
Oddball on guardian FTW!!! Grab bubble shield, grab ball, throw down bubble shield in center of map. instant triple kill (atleast)
http://www.gamevee.com/viewVideo/Halo_3/GeeVee/Overkill_for_Achieve/78522 That's how I got mine. A bit of luck and a bit of skill. You need a bit of both. I've had many opportunities but couldn't execute on it. If you don't have the skill you can't get it but you also have to get lucky in having the opportunity to arise, you can't get it.