wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow it's pictures like this that make me wonder why G&A is in offtopic. That is a great find Rey
wow its a good idea master chief vs alien but wow they look cool the drawing 1 is very nice and whoever made it is very good, thnks for putting them up
the first pic looks like an awesome render for a sig (lol sorry I am in sig mode after making a bunch of them) both= bamf
Yeah... wow... those are amazing. You know what I want to see. The Incredible Hulk versus Master Chief. lawl. The Hulk is like an enhanced Hunter without the armor. ^_^ No, no, no... Iron Man versus Master Chief MAJOR WIN!!!
Master Chief will lose. Hulk gets stronger as he gets angrier, so theoretically speaking, Hulk has an unlimited source of power. He picked up Thor's Hammer.
Are you serious? When the Hulk is angry, it smashes everything. It doesn't listen to words. MC has no chance against the Hulk. Bullets do not penetrate Hulk Skin.
wow major necro post but the art is crazy. that just reminded me of how similar the aliens are to elites, and how similar the spartans are to the predators (since they're like super soldiers