Map Download Gametype Download Hey, this is my first map i've ever posted on the Hub forums. I thought i better take one of my more interesting maps to show. This map is made solely for zombies. The gametype can be found in the thread which is linked at the bottom. The map features five distinct houses which are all viable as zombie safehouses. Every time I play, i can just choose any of the houses and have a chance at being last man. An overview of the city. As can be seen. each house has its own shape and function. The house you see here is pretty safe to hide in from zombies, but I usually use it as a secret way to get onto the roofs. There is nothing as satisfying as building hopping You'll find that the map is not just a few buildings thrown together. There are secret weapons and entrances all over the place. What you think is the safest building could have unforeseen flaws in its defense. View of the inside of the middle building.Looks safe right? Try looking up... Another overview. The houses are separated enough to allow for driving around the city. It's pretty fun, but really, it's best that you just use the warthog for speed on going to whatever safe place you have in mind. This is the chimney house. I placed fire grenades at the bottom to replicate a fireplace. Personally, i think this is one of the safer houses although it may not look like it at first. sorry i don't have time to explain things right now. i'll get to it later. promise.
The pics look great. I love the one with the warthog on the street. A descriptive post tomorrow is better than a sloppy post today. Try to only post it when it is ready.
This map looks awesome. I remember playing maps like this back in the day and it reminds me of it completely. Hopefully it will be as fun as it looks! I will queue it.
Queued it. It looks great, but did you consider making a city/suburb environment geared toward team based games, rather then just for infection? Besides, at least generally speaking, multi-objective team game maps, if made well, tend to naturally be good for infection as well, as long as the map is large enough.
i was thinking about that, but then i considered what would keep people in houses instead of on the streets fighting. Nothing is the answer. Then i thought what would keep people in houses instead. Infection of course. Overall, infection is just the most fun gametype to play on this level.
I agree with Bleet. This map could be great for Territories! Imagine a different one in each house. This map could also be good for slayer, depending on the weapon placement and respawn points. Why not both? A Territory or two in a house, one or two on the streets, maybe one on a roof? Blazen, you seem to be a skilled Forger. I'd love to see what you can do with gametypes other than Infection. Note: When my 360 finally gets fixed, I may have to make this into Territories for you, if you haven't by then. What do you think about me taking the buildings and placing spawns, weapons, and goals the way I want? I'd of course have to give you major credit.
I would be honored if you decided to make this into territories. Just one note though. You might want to redo some buildings to have easier entrances. But seriously, I think building a map similar to this from the ground up again for territories would be a better option than trying to improvise on this map.
Ok, cool. I generally try to design maps for multiple gametypes, not just one. I'll probably use your map for inspiration, copy a building or two, and place the rest however I think will work best. For what it's worth, you've given me great inspiration for my next map! I'll totally give you some credit and let you know when it's done. However, it'll be a couple more weeks before I get my 360 back and then probably a week before the map is done, I'm totally a perfectionist.
This looks similar to an idea i had for a Tenchu-type stealth map. I didn't have the entire concept worked out, but it involved a city street environment with high roofs that a player could jump around, and drop town to assassinate the unaware. I was thinking maybe a Ninjanaut variant where only the Juggernaut had the Sword, and was partially cloaked (enough to make him barely visible), and could jump higher. Try out something like that on your map and let me know how it plays.
Hey, I played this about two days ago and it was pretty fun. I owned as the last man standing The only problem i had was that some of the weapons weren't worth picking up because they couldn't kill zombies fast. I had dual SMGs, and I couldn't kill one single zombie.
WOW! No drivebys or spartans dealing in the street? THIS MAP BLOWS! haha jk. It actually looks really detailed and thought out. 8.5/10
sorry to say but I live right next to the projects (not in it, I own a 360 c,mon) and the houses look exactly the same for the most part, so this doesnt fit the description.
Looks interesting, but I'd place your link to download the map at the top of the map (I know you mention it there, but that's not enough for the average attention span of an internet forum goer). Also, you might want to use something like: Code: [url=][b][u][color=red] Download Link[/color][/u][/b][/url] It will come out - Download Link - and trust me, it will make your already large download total grow. Your post (read: pictures) made me want to download it, but a description and making it easier to read and find the download will only help your map in the long run. I'll give you actual feedback on the map later, sorry for ranting.