Im creating a class based map, and I need some ideas for some classes. In my gametype, health cannot be regenerated ( There will be a class with a regenerator though!) The classses I have so far are: Sniper Sniper (Duh) Smg (Maybe) Spike Grenade (1 or 2?) Deployable Cover Rifleman Battle Rifle Frag Grenades (2?) Bubble Shield Close Quarters (Ninja?) Shotgun Radar jammer (Flare?) Spike Grenades x2 Custom Powerup (Speedboost) Graveift What would a gunner and medic have? Anything I should change about the above classes? Weapon damage in my gametype is reduced Please help!
gunner could have turrets and if a gametype isnt used set the base player trait so they cant use any vehicles at all and have the custom power up for gunner to enable driving passenger only so only they can use turrets and have turrets indestructable with some plasma ones scattered medic could have needler and pp and obviously the regen ninja class might want to have sword instead have the damage reduced by 20% or near that and those r my opinions
Oops, one thing I forgot to mention, Im thinking about making it kid of Covie vs UNSC style, so all weapons will ahve counterparts instead for the opposite team (So for the ninja class, one team would have sword, the other has shotgun. Needler is probably a good idea for medic, but Plasma pistol would be overpowered. Maybe Sentinel beam instead? Thanks for your help!
I dont really get this when you say "Class-Based Map" do you mean like every person has a little Armory so to say, where they spawn and get weapons, and power-ups ect.?
yes its like battlefeild a person is supposed to grab every weapon provided in the box and go to the teleporter. its bin done on few maps that i know of including a featured map called the last level
You do know that the sentinel beam is pretty much a god weapon, right? It can kill in about two seconds. Plasma pistol would be a much more underpowered choice.
Yes, everyone spawns in an open box, gets their weapons, and goes through a teleporter into the main level I didnt know the SB could kill that fast. Thanks for telling me! And the Plasma Pistol can take down shields in one shot, and I'd rather the battles be a little long and drawn out Why would I need to put infinite ammo? Some details on the gametype: 6 or 7 rounds 1 life per round I flag No health regen Higher damage resistance