holy **** dude this map is fun i was one of the testers and its is a total blast everyone should dl this amazing map
I really had some fun in that warthog , and getting you 7 wheelmans! I love the newer version (up in a minute), it has more cover =)
Your clever retort has earned you a DL, and a FR. I'll play it, and see if you live up to this "5 star worthy" that you so bravely claim. Also, the FFA scenario I posted was completely unknowing of the Team-based gameplay you have goin'. It makes a lot more sense now that I know that. I guess I'm so used to making FFA maps that I just had FFA in my mind. Whatever reason, I apologize for that wrong assumption. Say, though, do you know the respawn time on the Hog? It seems like getting the Hog would be pretty advantageous. What ways are there to stop the Hog? ***Sorry for all the challenges, you must understand that I hardly intend to be insultingly critical***
dented- im loving these challenges, adn that last one was epic. Keep em coming. The warthog has a 45 sec respawn i think. Now, dont jump to conclusions. I know what youre thinking. OH TEH NOES ITS GONNA RAPE NEWBS. But it doesnt. There are 2 reasons. The first reason is there are numerous ways to dispatch the hog. There are rockets (BOOM), Grenades everywhere (BOOM), a Tripmine (BOOM) and 2 plasma pistols (BOOM??) Any of those can and will be used to dispatch the hog. The second reason is, in the recently updated version, there is a ton of cover along the outside of the structure. This is a problem for the hog, as it makes driving sloweer and hides enemies. Both of those reasons help tame down the Wild HOg. Thanks for the relpies and everythign dented. Cant wait to play witcha.
actually its more like 2 plasma pistols (Shewahooo) but thats just if your ocd. i wish iw as home so i can play that. it is qued however.
Hahh bnasty sometimes i think it makes like a hissing noise... 2 Plasma pistols (SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) LAWLZBAWLZ!
I'm gonna be honest, I can only come up with one other question, which isn't even much of a challenge really. The Bubble Shielf spawn in the chrome tunnel- I saw in two different pictures an entrance to that tunnel, but they were from the same direction. Is there an entrance on the other side as well to make it even for both teams? After that, I'm officially finished here. My job is done, and I shall move on to the next falsely criticized map.
LOL, instead of constantly fighting the comments of "needs cover" you just went and put in cover, great job man, that will get them to shut the **** up...maybe... also, i like how you implemented cover, while making the hog still a beast =]
Its pretty sexy i dl'ed and i love it i like jumping off the second story and just ninjaing people =D
Hey great job on that center base thing, it looks great, I know it's supposed to be open around there but that's honestly the only reason I'm not dling so, I dunno, if you want my dl (and probably other peoples'), don't have all that open space.
Tex- yea man they were pissing me off. I just did it to make them happy. Apple Skater- thanks lol Beyond Skill- did you not see the update? i made it less open. Its a lot better. I suggest you read the thread again.
Excellent interlocking, and I like the map idea. It's all good except for the lowest walkway going around. It needs some sort of supports holding it up instead of just being open. But, that's just me.
*cough* Because that shows you put a lot of hard work into your map. I can think of one time that I used tele-arrows, and it took me 3 hours just to complete the one thing. It looks cool, and it shows workmanship. Who doesn't love that?
thanksall, but skater? if there were supports arouns the central platform the hogs wouldnt be able to drive under. dented thanks for sticking up for me