game designings practically impossible to get into nowardays unless u have mad skillz at w/e u want to not sure what i want to do yet, probobly something with computers, but idk
I have an A- average...and I'm in the top 10 in my class so I think I can get in to USC... I mean halfa my family went there...and they look for "tradition" in applicants...hopefully...
LOL CIA! actually i got invited to the Culinary Institute of America, and the only things i cook are eggs, pizza, and
lol! when I was little I found out that Culinary school last only 3 years. and i realy lover to bake a lot of stuff pies, brownies, cake, cobbler etc. so yeah
My finals are this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I'm trying to study but nothing's really stickin'. I never, ever study for anything. I'm mainly just trying to study for the classes I'm getting D's in (Spanish and science). Haven't started studying the spanish yet, but I've done pretty well in spanish in the past, I think I just slacked off this semester. My science teacher is a crack fiend.. she's really horrible at teaching in general.
I have finals in two weeks...and it's my first year doing finals (i'm a freshman and didn't have finals in middle school) bleh... i'm probably gonna do bad, except i'm azn so i'll do good, lol just kidding bad stereotype but yeah... meh
no finals for me yet. im still in middle school (yay!). but i have Spanish and Geometry finals (yea i have 2 high school credit classes) and 9 week exams. oh well. those are easy enough. and i never study. it has a reverse effect on me.
Lucky you, this year for our school they thought it be a great idea if we only got out 30 minutes early. So I get to sit in school and do nothing for 3 hours, yay!
I can't wait til WKCEs next year. You can get exempt from so many exams. I have exams on the week of the 20th too. I get half days and don't have to come in for the first hour exam cuz its a study hall for me ;D. Also, my teachers believe in less stress during an exam, so they give us part of the exam to do now and turn it in on the day of the exam or earlier. Only problem with this theory is that when every teacher does it, it's still stressful.