I thought that i would wright this because of the fact that the 1v1 hopper comes out today. and i wanted to share some tips on FFA so here we go So you want to get your rank up in Lone wolves? or maybe you just want to be a better FFA player. well have i got the thing for you! i am going to show you how to improve your FFA games. and i don't care if you lose every single match im going to get you to the top. (at least i will try =/) 1. Ok a lot of thing i notice when playing FFA is that the leader tends to choke up near the end of the game. the reason for this is that he/she will want to finish up the game fast so what they tend to do is run out trying to get that last 1 or 2 kills. and then usually gets demolished so basically don't end up like this guy. 2. Don't always go for the main power weapon on the map. (Ex:Rockets on epitaph) because almost every body does that and you will most likely not get to it in time and that will only set you back. and it just isn't a good idea overall instead go for a smaller ones like shotgun or the gravity hammer. (if you spawn really close to it thats a different story) 3. Ok this has to be the most important one keep your cool. if your are in 6th 5th or even 4th don't get angry. just stay calm take of your mike if you have to because just remember that FFA requires you to be concentrated because of the fact that you have no teammates. and trust me giving up and trying to run out like a mad man and get kills will not usually work. i take that back it will never work. 4. everybody loses FFA even pro's so don't get to cocky. because just like you people have bad days. and don't give up if you lose a couple games just keep trying trust me your bad luck streak will be over soon. 5. don't give yourself excuses "im not warmed up" or "i wasn't trying". because those just don't help you at all. instead think "what could i have done better" or "next time i need to .....". because i have never seen someone say "im only sucking because i am eating" and then they win after that. 6. Adapt!!! the best FFA players have a adaptable skill. because not everyone plays the same player 1 could be that long range guy who stays back. but player 2 could be that up in your face guy that charges every time. so basically what i am trying to say here is that players are like snowflakes no to ones are alike. 7. Don't over play FFA it can only hurt you in the long run. 8. be spontaneous and unpredictable don't let the enemy know exactly what you will do next. 9. I know this sounds cheap but it works. steal kills just grab a BR and if you see to enemy's fighting pick them both of with 2 or 3 BR shots. i expect to see you guys getting better at FFA and just remember keep your cool if you aren't doing so hot -Gun
this could be very useful, I am fine at FFA, I have my off days but but most times I'm coming in at 2nd or 1st, depending on how many people are playing. Another thing you could add is weapon placement. Have a forgethrough on the FFA maps and check each weapons respawn and during games always check the clock. FOr example: you pick up camo on Epitaph with 6:19 left, make sure you're back there at 3:19. It helps to know the map, trust me.
I agree with the "Keep your cool" tip since that is almost difficult for me to do for the most part,haha... But I have been getting better with that lately.
Number 9 seems to be a staple in Lone Wolves. There is so much kill stealing in the games that in the majority of the time the winner always has the least assists. Sometimes you just need to get lucky with spawns and steal a few kills if you ever want to win in Lone Wolves.
also, nades. Some people are too conservative with their grenades. You and every one else spawn with them, if you see two people fighting and it out of range for the AR, hurl a frag or two. that too also helps pick up a few more kills. I can remember one game where the frag was my tool of destruction wih 6 kills.
I can't even imagine how pissed you'd get while losing a lone wolves game. Most of the time when we play MLG FFA you'll be up by five and still talking about how bullshit the game is I really despise the LW playlist, and head to head seems equally bad.
i've read this like 3 times over and over and its reeeeally making me want to play! i got inspired! but edgar has my xbox :[
Personally I only play anything important (IMO tslayer/any other team games) when my teams on, and in the past lone wolves hasn't been to kind to me, but im considering attempting to level up my low 30 account in lonewolves because of this guide.
I find #7 works best for me, I play 1-2 times a month (at most) and I rank up like a beast, I've only played like 10 games from Commander-Colonel.
Lol, I suppose you're right, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to rank up in that playlist. Its probably the easiest playlist to get to 50 in, you just have to use it in moderation. If you play a lot of Lone Wolves you tend to lose your game after a while.