Created by: XBlackDarknessX Farria is a perfect in closed map and is the second part of xeions creed but larger and better it is less crowded with much room to fight with friends and other online users. the map is vurtual fussed to mack it look nice and perfect with on bottom floor a 75% walk around path and two plat forms on each side of the map with to perfect lifts to take you straight up to where you need to go with one small bridge that leads into a little tunnel. Map intro in the first few early years of the war when earth forces faught against the elite forces. It was soon descovered that the elite forces had facilitys made for training elite forces on the us and fighting tatics of the earth forces. The most well nown facility code name Farria was descovered by Lord Hood and planed a counter strike to take over the facility and all its technology and other content. After the attack was to be full proof they sent in Master chief to lead the counter attack when in the facililty master cheif attacked the main source of what was powering all of the facility activitys Profit Truth who was trying to light one of the few halo rings during the attack there was intell dexcovered on what the elites where to be trained in the facility as what they where being trained in others. They where being trained on how to fire a halo ring to destroy universe. the human forces then called in for back up to accomplish the attack and code name farria was soon tooken over and the human forces then used it to train there own earth force on learned elite tatics that have been approved form lord hood to use. The front upper sniper platform back upper platform the bridge in the middle of the map the first part of the tunnel that the bridge leads to the path to the sniper platform with the wart hug copier Download map to halo 3
Huh my first impressions were quite confused but after reading through your post and overlooking your screenshots it all came quite clear of how your layout worked. It looks nice quite original and I especially like the window panels - Not sure why just think they look rather neat so good job on them. Your interlocking is top notch I have to say it looks like a lot of time has gone into the locking of this map making it a smooth and easy ride which again was a success I have to say only thing that i can say to be improved on would be the post itself id quite like a weaponlist to know how the map is balanced and would also like to know what gametypes this map is compatible for? overall good job if i were to rate this map i would rate it as a 3.5/5 but im not rating it but thats just my opinion of your map and yes I will be downloading
I'll dl and have a look later but on what you have shown me, here's what I think. It looks very interesting, the layout appears very unique. I'd like to know the weapon details. Interlocking and creation look very nice. The one thing that worries me is the amount of sheild doors.
the sheil door in this map that outline are not for use but for looks it fussed with the fnce boxes that mack the walls
yeah the map looks great. there is something missing, i dont know what it is but that is whats keeping me from saying that this map could almost be featured
Looks very original, but I don't get the Warthog copier. Can you pick up those Camos by it and does it shoot out warthogs, now a map with Warthogs randomly falling from the sky, that would be an awesome idea... *fires up forge*
very nice map, looks great for odd ball or teamslayer, which gametype would you reccomend, i like the warthog.
woah! The line of shield doors made me download this. It reminds me so much of halo 2's great hourney in the end. Good Job.
As has been said time and time again, it looks very clean, very professional. I always appreciate an unconventional shaped map, and this is no exception. The hall of Shield Doors is what's keeping you from a higher rating from me, though. That severely affects gameplay aversely. Is that area even accessible? Were you aware that it would affect gameplay that much?