sorry mattdgiant im not really trying to be rude or anything. but did i ever say it sucked in my post? no i didnt. i even said i like everything except how open it is. im just saying from the pics i know its supposed to be open for the warthog and stuff but in my opinion i think it is way to open.. i will try it when i have the chance and give you some honest feedback of waht i thought. dont go off on me man. EDIT: Look two posts down at Shadowviper's comment. That's exactly what i think.
This looks like a pretty good map. It has a nice design and some pretty good interlocking. The only thing I would have done different is moved the building more towards one of the corners of the map and then make a much smaller building in the opposite corner for a more one sided approach. If that sounds like to much you could put some small outpost style buildings to provide some cover without destroying the the hogs effectiveness.
IM sorry, i didnt mean for it to come out as pissed off. I didnt mean it that way. I was just irritated taht people were spamming my thread about how open it was when they hadnt tried it. Im not mad at you, in fact, im grateful, because you are being honest in your opinion and are actually helping me so I know what to fix or do to edit my map. Thanks. Thanks. THe orange things are the edges of recevier nodes. I just let the orange part stick out. I got the idea from Cosmic Rick's Pallet Parade and Matty's Reflex. They both used the same technique, so i thought, why can't I? my only problem with this is that it has been done before. I wanted to do something new, and original. I didnt want you guys to play like that, it was boring. However, this new style of play is fresh and unpredictable, as well as punishing. Maybe next time Il do it how you guys want. Thanks again for the feedback.
i think this map looks good, but was put onto forgehub without testing what people thought of it... If i were in this game i would say that this map is way to open. and i can tell you got the glowing "M" from the pallet parade, i think that was put there to amaze the players, but in my opinion thats just unoriginal unless it is actually needed. sorry for this negetive feedback but it needs work
I would add anouther building or two and then some cover so the hog doesn't dominate the whole game. The only thing that really stands out is the crome tunnel nothing else is really eye-catching.
the tower is great and the interlocking is awesome. The open spot isn't that bad... could use a building or two, but I think the fact of the whole space around the tower being open attracts attention to it, which is hard to do. Great job.
the chrome tunnel is so cool.nice 4/5 (would be 5/5,but i like my maps to not be as open and have more detail)but from what i can tell the map looks'd you come up with the name though?
Looks like a map that just never got finished or got rushed at the end. This map could have been alot better.
Correction, this map had plenty of testing and testers. Not one of them mentioned that they thought it was too open. The "M" is there for an aesthetic touch. Its barely unoriginal, seeings as only like 2 people have ever used it before. Thanks for the review though. Thanks for the suggestion, but honestly, the other buildings aren't needed. Im glad you liked the tunnel however. The Warthog does not dominate. Try playing it before saying stuff like this. Thank god, somebody who liekd it! Im glad you liked the tunnel, and At least you thought it deserved a 4/5. The name? well, idk! THis is just wrong. Firstly, you used the word "looks". Thats the key. Because it actually "looks" like a lot of effort and time was put into it. It is interlocked, very aesthetically pleasing thanks to CT and the M, and is geo-glitched. How could it "look" any better? THe second reason why your statement is plain wrong: Have you played it? Does it play like a map that never got finished or rushed? If you had said that it played like a map that never got finished then maybe that would have made sense. However, it doesnt make sense anyway because you didnt give any reason or logic on how and or why the map doesnt play well. Nice try. Thanks for the reviews everyone. Even though you guys are having biased views.
GAH! That is one beautiful middle structure! I wish I could cut/paste that and build around it. As one of your first notes in your OP states, it is very open. I'm no fan of open maps, but I can certainly appreciate the work in the middle structure. The chrone tunnel is something I've always loved to see used, although your's seems to have a bit more work than many others. Good job on the middle structure, but I agree that the open-ness of the outside would harmfully affect gameplay. You seemed to have a problem with people complaining about the open-ness, but in all honestly, that is a problem. I assume you won't mind so much if I come up with a few reasons that I would mind the open-ness. *Spawn-killing? How do you solve this with no initial cover? The only method I can think of is to have a few spawn points in the middle structure, so as to prevent everyone from spawning into a fight. If this is so, then the players spawning in the middle structure have an unfair advantage to the players outside. *In the event that you've devised a way to solve spawn-killing, then the amount of fight taking place outside the middle structure is far greater than that of the inside, which slightly ruins the purpose of the map, does it not? ####EXAMPLE#### I spawn into this match on a side wall, seeing a guy to my left who's just spawned, a guy closer on a ramp up into the middle structure, and one person is dead and waiting to respawn (a total of 4 people in a Oddball match). Now, obviously I'm gonna start taking guys out. I start with the first unlucky fellow who has no way to fight back as he has been sneaked up on. He dies. At that point, I want to go get the Oddball, right? So, I make my way to the structure, only to fall victim to the same thing by the guy who was initially dead at the beginning of my completely hypothetical example. You see where I'm going with this? I am in no way insulting your map, only challenging it. I want you to back up your defense of it being intended for open-arena gameplay. Cheers.
Dented Drum- I accept your challenge. WHere to begin, where to begin. Il start with this: a thank you. YOu have taken time to review my map and tell me what you think is wrong with it and what you think shoudl be done about it. Rather than spamming with OMGZZ THIS IS TEH LAMEZORZ TOO OPEN NOOOOOOO you responded with a lovely lovely review and thoughtful comment. So thank you. Now, I must prove myself to be exceptionable. My comeback: The first thing I have to say to this is that Photorn is designed for team games (Slayer, Team Oddball, and Multi Flag). This gives me an advantage over you, because in your post you based your points off the assumption that you would be all on your own in this fight on Photorn. This changes your entire scenario, does it not? Lets rewrite this. *****I spawn into this match on a side wall, seeing a teammate on my left who just spawned and another teammate taking out a Blue guy on the walkway nearby. Now, obviously, I'm gonna start looking for the enemy teammates. I find one unlucky fellow cavorting arund in the chrome tunnel. He has a bubble sheild, but unluckily for him I have a mauler. At that point, I want to get the Oddball, right? So I grab it and start making my way up to the top of Photorn's central structure. As I journey up the ramp, a fully loaded hog swoops around the bend turreting wildly. However, they are not the only ones with teammates. My ally throws the tripmine into the mix, delaying the eventual return of the warthog. However another enemy teammate comes out with a carbine. I fall victim to him. Luckily for us however, our team still holds the lead. See where I'm going with this? Hokay. So you say that there is a spawn killing problem. However. It aint. You are correct that there is no inital cover, but it is not a problem. There are spawn points in the central structure as well. Neither side has an advantage in this case. Neither side has a disadvantage. YOu see, when you span on the structure, you are wayy to open. Especially on the walkway. If you are in the tunnel or the upper levels, you can easily get blasted to bits a by a grenade. People on the bottom, although they have the lower ground, still have cover. They can duck underneath the walkway if they are getting attacked from above. Or, they can hop into the Hog and drive around. The only spawn killin that I have ever witnessed was a fluke and hasnt happened twice. This poor shmuck spawned right in the path of the oncoming hog. Sadly, he was lagging a little and couldnt get out of the way in time. Other than that, there hasnt been an issue. Thus, I close my case. I am in no way insulting your opinion, just challenging it. Hopefully you have seen my logic and wisdom and will now give the map the 5 stars it deserves. PLay some rounds on it, have fun. Thanks for the review. Cheers.
After playing and tinkering around with the map I realized that I could have done this in a hour or two sure its fun when your the hog gunner or the guy with the rockets but other than that its all spawn rape for people that are off the platform. I lost 12 players out of 16 during the game ,that might be feedback of it being open and unbalanced. If you make a version 2 you now know what needs fixing.
Very interesting look to it. I can see something new and different in this map. And the walkway, it looks very well interlocked and very.... I don't know, something about that makes my mind travel to Lockout... errm Blackout. And yeah, it looks like you have finally mastered the art of forging to make 1337 (1337=Leet[Leet=Cool]) maps! I have watched you develope your forging abilities since you first joined, I just can't believe it took you so long after my favorite of yours, Belonephobia. Good job anyways.
I see the most basic map in this post. But in my opinion, basic is the best type of map, not over hyped complex maze type maps. your scenario and dented_drums make good sense in my eyes. I just played a round on this and I encourage all you doubters to play it and see for yourselves. once you play Oddball on this, the open makes perfect sense. Happy Forging! Desert Rat 852
Do you mean you could have made this in an hour or two? If you could do that, then you sir, are a forge genius or you have no life. I take it that your dissing my map and saying that it was made too hurredly. I also dont see how it is spawn rape , i had no issue. But whatever. Thanks for playing my map. And thanks Xbox kid. Thank you, so, so, so much. That feels fantastic coming from a forge great like you. Im glad you've been following my progress, and I have certainly learned a lot from your maps and others. Thanks again. My morale just shot up like 10 1337 I mean Leet I mean Feet. Thank you a lot. THat was thoughtful and you defended me. NOt many people did that. IM happy you liked the map. Oddballs pretty fun, aint it?
dude awesome map. love the building, great interlocking. just a suggestion, can u add a sniper tower in the corner to add protection and fill u a little space. 5/5 NICE!!!!!!
Hahah thanks man. Sure il see what I can do. And btw I wanna see some of oyur maps poppin up here sometime.
Only bumping this cause ur a little ***** in real life. And i own you when i play as Lucas in brawl. jk about the ***** thing. U know who i am now.