Map Name:The Bank Get in and get out/This map is based on a bank concept with multiple ways in and out. This bank concept took two months to make and can't be edited or have items added to it, do to all the items put on it. Also this map is to be played with a big room of at least 6 V. 6 or more for full potential and play with game type. Download Map Download Gametype Description: The Game Variant is assault with low shields for realisticness and one lowered gravity making you heavier and unlimited lives. Also you start out with a smg and a magnum. The Bank the front of the bank. robber spon Robbers start off in the back of the truck. Security spon Cops start in the security room with weapons on the racks The Street lots of cover and lots of explosions. the ally way The parking lot, fire excape to the roof, and a back door to the building Roof top amd Air Duct the building can be exased by a stair case to the lobby or the air vents. The Lobby the lobby leads up to the roof and down to the back door and basement. the cubicles were the work never stops and the way down to the basement is down to the right. the hallway down to the left is the security room and to the right is the valt. The Valt Door the way to the cash is through this door but you have to use a laser or a land mine to blow it open. The maker's of this map is "KingSniper 10x" and "stonedmonkey199" and also this is my first post so please comment. To my file share: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
**ATTENTION Your images are not working. Please link them after using an online photo supplier/uploader. Please look at this thread for more assistance. Thanks, Moose
For now I can only give you a "What the hell" rating because your pics dont work. Maybe if you get them up and going I'll edit my post Happy forging/picture importing!
I think tags are words that are related to your map so when someone searches for any of those 'tagged' words, your map pops up
sorry every one i couldnt figer out how to get my pictures to work till after i set it up but now please injoy and oh sorry but i forgot my pic of the basement main room with the small valts in it please down load and feel free to check it out.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry about pics but they just reasintly have been fixed please injoy.