Download Tower of Power is a map inspired by the popular Halo 2 gametype on Ascension, of the same name. A mighty tower sits against one side of Foundry, while the other side is partly covered. The turret on the tower is the only real weapon on the map, so it is imperative that you control it. With many entrances and spots to protect, keeping the tower is not always easy. The ToP gametype puts players with no shields and shotguns gunning it up for control of the tower. Tower of Power supports Slayer, King of the Hill, and Infection. The most important part, though, is that this map uses both geometry merging (single boxes, to make them smooth) and object merging... I know those are important for you... Overview of ToP Hallway protected from turret, leading to the tower The bridge is important to protect, because it is easy for players to overtake the tower from here Be sure to keep someone on the turret to mow down players rushing the tower Teleporters up against the sides of the tower will take you to the PWN Box, not a very friendly place... Thanks, and leave comments! Download ToP Gametype Download ToP Map
Different map, but isn't this like forgehub's 4th 'Tower of Power' title? LOL. The map itself looks ok ^^
I personally think ToP is dead unless Ascension is re-made as a new map in a future map pack or made on Blackout where the turret is on the BR tower, but good attempt, maybe one day someone will make a good ToP map, not today however.
You should really try it out... I know it isnt an attempt at recreating ascension; that wasnt the idea. Thanks for your comments... @ WindowFace16: The hallway offers protection from the turret, and I count about 7 different ways of getting in... As for the teleporters, I didnt want people camping at an angle the turret couldnt shoot at, so I placed the teleporters there.
no offense but tower of power on foundry doesn't seem good. check my file share for one on valhalla GT: Trick Mane
the teleporters are pointless, but could lead to very funny things, you have the right idea with this map, but i think a v2 would be nice.
I totally agree... I found a ToP Ascension remake. I don't personally think it is outstanding, but it is on Avalanche, which is a great map for Ascension Style Maps Here it is: As for this map it gets a 5/5 for the looks, but I don't feel like downloading a ToP on foundry
This map is not an attempt at Ascension, only inspired by it. I understand you dont think a ToP game would work on Foundry, but I didnt waste time or items trying to make everything like Ascension, so this map works out well...
Well, thanks for downloading it anyways! Sorry about the interlocking, when I play a game on that map I usually focus on killing than staring at the merging...