Hey i havn't tried doing screenshots before, until i saw a few on here Yeah there not that great, no image editing used, its only my first go so can there me more constructive criticism than just offense ^^ also the sizing might be wrong so sorry and ill change it later Blackout 1 Blackout 2 Blackout 3 Aegis Fate, this one i just like because of the ship, not the effects
FIRST POST!!! Now for some critism. .............................. they need to be bigger...? I like the pictures
How did you post these pics? TRy just uploading them to a regular hosting site, then posting 'em here. There waay to small.
Click on them for a larger size, but I do agree that they should be larger and directly put here on the site instead of needing to click. Otherwise you have a couple of good pics here.
I dont know. Depends on you. I like photobucket better, because....I don't know. Just try iy. It owns Imageshack. And you can edit your images and make sweet effects, like a little retarded brother of Photoshop.