This is not a complete decoration/remake that has either no gameplay or very limited. This is an actual map, lol. I'll DL, looks like fun, got to test it out
Tomorrow I Should be on sometime after 4:00. If any 1 would like to play a full game on it, send me a FR, but include your FH username, Otherwise I will probably delete the message.
You don't have to go to such efforts to make a wraith immobile. Just put two bridges on it, pressing down on either side.
Then the casemates wouldn't have been casemates. They would have been mountings. Plus I was running Short on bridges. Not to mention, the wraiths are supposed to be able to turn, they just aren't supposed to leave the Casemates.
Nice concept i really love the Historically based theme, I am a tad concerned about the Ranger spawn area, namely that there seems to be only one, potentially leading to spawn killing, however I will see if that occurs when I actually play it.
Spawn killing was actually a huge concern during construction. Thankfully, in all of the playtests, there was almost no spawn killing, and what little there was was actually on the defenders. And by the way, the Rangers have two spawn areas.