Pope Brawl on The PapacyCreated by B2K MONKEYDEATH (MONKEYDEATH3730) & vengefulbacon Supported Gametypes: King of the Hill.... so far Map Description This map is a mockery of Catholicsm and the Pope, so before anyone freaks out we are both Catholic so don't worry. Everyone spawns inside papacy which is where the Pope is elected. The idea is that everyone is a Cardinal and is competing for the position of Pope (College of Cardinals). The way we understand the election is a lie, it's not a peaceful election but a brutal conflict for dominance. The game is King of the Hill with the Pope's balcany being the hill. If you are killed in the beggining you respawn out in the courtyard with no way back in. At 45 seconds into the game three gravity lifts spawn giving you a second chance at becoming Pope. Inside the Papacy there is a large arms deal going on so you are free to claim weapons from the display table. This combination of close quarters and power weapons creates an extremely hectic game. It's best played with 4-16 players. The more players there are the crazier and more violent is gets. This game requires limited skill, and a very happy trigger finger. (Written By) ~vengefulbacon _________________________________________________ 2-Sided View inside the Papacy View of the "Arms Deal" and stairs leading to the Pope's balcany View of the Pope's balcany/ the Hill 2-Sided View from the Courtyard perspective on the balcany/ overview The College of Cardinals have just spawned... they all have the same goal ...And the Pope Brawl begins! I WANT TEH SHOTTY SNIPERS!!! The Epic Brawl of the losers in the Courtyard... EPIC The mowing down of the n00bsicles with teh Plasma Canon _________________________________________________ Thank You All for Checking Out Our Map!!! This was my first map post and I'm hoping to be posting a lot more in the past! Thank you for your feedback and giving me a little rep wouldn't hurt! If anything is wrong just tell me to update. Download The Papacy Map Variant Download Pope Brawl Gametype
also a massive note at the top saying he will finish it in 30 minutes ;P ill keep this thread open to see how it turns out
Hello, here at Forgehub we expect better posts. Please keep your thread looking neat and tidy, and refer to the link below to get help fixing it up. I have also included some information below to help you fix it up. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1196 Missing: You are currently missing screenshots for your map Please embed images on an image hosting site of your map. To do this: 1. Take pictures of your map using theater mode in Halo 3 while online 2. Go to your bungie.net profile, find your service record, and click recent screenshots 3. Find the screenshots you need, and then save them 4. Once they are saved to your computer, find an image hosting site (I like flickr because I have parental controls on my computer, but what you use is up to you) 5. Find the picture on the site, 6. Hit properties on the picture 7. Copy the URL from the Address/URL section and paste it into your post between tags 8. Below your images write a quick description 9. There you go, all fixed up Comments: Nobody know's what your map will look like when you don't have working pictures. I can see that you have tried, but you need to get on top of this. You have 24 hours from the time you posted to fix this up... The clock is ticking
do you guys even try to read what the author wrote at the top.... he/she will be back in 30 minutes to finish it, i see no point in offering advice to him/her could possibly know all of this which would indicate so as he has laid it out but had to rush home? I see much spamming going on at the moment on this website - give this guy a break
Alright yeah Chicken is right, learn how to read. And secondly, you can see that im using the write format so shut up. And thirdly, my grandma really wants me to bike to her house so I wont be able to finish until later tonight. Thanks and sorry for the inconvieniance!
dont take things literally, people exaggerate... im posting right now but i have to upload the pics on imageshack
Nemi, I wanted to reduce the armory but it's part of the story line and it was my friend's idea. He said no
Nah, the kid is a fricken genius but he isnt that good at forging. He has great and fun ideas but he just throws it together because he doesnt care how it looks or what anybody thinks.
Aesthetically, the map looks great, and the gameplay is wonderful. I dled it and played in a good sized party, and we had a blast! 5/5!
Looks... interesting. Funny story though. But someone should start out as an Arab in a secret shack behind the balcony with a Rocket Launcher.
LOL Debo... Im not sure about terrorist attacks but there are going to be sequels to this map. vengefulbacon and I are going to start working on "Pope vs Priest on Vatican Invasion", it is going to be the bomb. Im sure that we may use your idea in another sequel
lol Alright Im posting. Don't understand why you needed me to so badly but you support my domination so here we go XD It looks and sounds both cool and extremely fun/funny. The armory is questionable, but it seems to work for the story. Interlocking seems like it should have been used in the courtyard and boxes turned over. My favorite part from viewing is the balcony. Looks cool and reminds me of a real balcony, so I guess it worked lol. The plasma cannon seems way too overpowering BTW. Not sure how that'll work but... Not bad, very fun minigame though it looks like. Happy I posted now? lol... XD