Photorn The structure is your only chance against the hog. 4-8 players. EDITED! NEW VERSION INCLUDES MORE COVER! FIXED GLITCHES! Improved map pics: THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE OPEN. Photorn is a medium-sized map. It is supposed to be a very OPEN map. It is designed for small skirmishes and epic battles. It is competitive, and can be used for: Team Slayer Team Oddball Multi Flag The map is based in the open section of Foundry. The back rooms have all been blocked off. However, for your viewing pleasure, there are several scenery pieces back there so the map doesn’t look too bland. Don’t even try getting back there though. Photorn has a large central structure, with walkways and tunnel passages as well as multiple floors. A large walkway surrounds the entire structure. This walkway is low enough that a Spartan or Elite can jump up on it, but high enough to allow players and Warthogs to drive under without having to crouch or getting stuck. It is very efficient. This walkway curves around to the back of the structure, where it angles upward into a ramp. The ramp leads players to the top floor, where the player can find a carbine, a bit of BR ammo, and Rockets. This top floor is useful, especially when a pesky Warthog starts ridin around. You are safe up there from the hog, and if people want to come get you they will have to exit their moving Hog. Another cool feature in Photorn is The Chrome Tunnel. It is a passageway through the middle section of the structure. The CT is where you can find a bubble shield as well as the Oddball in Team Oddball. The ceiling in the CT is high enough to allow running and a little jumping. However, the tunnel is not very wide, and is thus a hotspot for grenades. Now I know what you guys are probably thinking. Its either: 1) Psh, so he has a tunnel. Wats so special? Or 2) WtF? wUt Is The Chromezorz? (translation: What the hell? Why is it Chrome?) The Chrome Tunnel got its namesake for the color of the tunnel. Most tunnels in foundry are gray or that kind-of greenish color of the double boxes. Well, the CT is different. The Chrome Tunnels walls are, you guessed it, Chrome. The walls are all silvery and shiny, and look absolutely crazy. AND, not only are the walls and ceiling and roof GRRRRREAAT on the aesthetics, they are also just as practical as a regular wall and or ceiling and or floor. Yea, ‘Nuff Said. Another cool aesthetic feature is a small, glowing orange “Mâ€. It is really cool to look at and also tells you guys who made the map! ME! MattDGiant. You know I had to include my initial somewhere! Weapons- (from memory) BRs Carbines 1 Rocket Lawn Chair – no spare ammo, use wisely 1 Mauler 2 Plasma Pistols Equipment- (from memory) 1 Trip Mine- 45 sec respawn 1 Bubble Shield – 1 min respawn Multiple Frag Grenades- 10 sec respawn Ahh, now on to the best part- PITCHAS! Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Chrome Tunnel "M" for MattDGiant! Upper Levels and the Ramp Another Nice View Hoggy Spawn Walkway Takin Down The Warthog Chrome Tunnel Showdown (too bad I was out of Rocket Ammo Lolz.) Fightin'. Hog- notice how you can drive under the walkway. Long Range Hoggin'. Your Reign Of Hog Terror Is OVA! Oddballler's ambush! Phew. With those out of the way I have one last thing. Note From Creator Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to check out this map. However, if I have not yet convinced you to download Photorn yet, maybe this will help you out. Photorn is 90% interlocked, almost all of the immovable objects have been either merged with one another or the floor/roof. Photorn took over 15 hours for me to make, plus I don’t even know how many hours to test, fix, edit, and finnaly publish. Heck, the Chrome Tunnel took about 3 hours to make! To conclude, its been a long journey. Please, I have spent to many hours not doing homework to bring you this masterpiece. Enjoy it. Also, another reason you should download is because it has many different pieces that can be great fun. It has different styles and flavors ( I HAZ A FLAVORZ!). For example, while team slayer revolves on control of the Hog and lower levels, Oddball has everyone rushing up to the top floor! Meanwhile the CT is usually the center of attention in Multi Flag. The diversity is incredible, as well as incredibly fun. So please, download, rate and comment. It is greatly appreciated. -MattDGiant DOWNLOAD! Photorn linky
dude this looks like a blast. I wish it was like on avalanche or something so that you could fall off the edges. but fo weelz it looks like your going to bea new staple on forgehub's papers, this looks dank bro. dl'd.
it looks very well consructed and built, but if your gonna leve the ground wide open like that atlest put some stuff there, instead of having a big empty space
i must say the interlocking done here is great. i love the chrome tunnel and the way you made it so the hog can drive under walkway. it looks like it would be very competitive. good job IMO
WHoa! Didnt expect such positive feedback! And so quickly! Wow. Thanks everyone! And bnasty? does dank mean good? im a noob lol Esquisofrenic- the space is a little open but it takes no time at all to hop up onto the structure. Besides, its meant to be punishing. Thanks darkmuse.
Looks like a fun map... seems pretty open but i guess the warthog covers that... Is there mongooses too?... I wish i could dl but not 360 atm...
Wow, this looks really good Matt, I'm honestly quite surprised (no offense, just never seen your work before). The Chrome tunnel is completely original, and that is ALWAYS a plus, and I rather like the neatness of the interlocking, looks like you put over 40+ hours, n u said 15+ psssssh...LIES... The one thing that I think could be a problem is how open the ground floor is, clutter it up a little, believe me, you're going to have people spamming this with "TOO OPEN" if you don't, otherwise, if it's intended to be open, then boldly put in the op, "Is intended for openness, playtest yourself, before commenting on the open factor" or something. Great job man
Thanks paranormal. Yea it is open, but it works. The hog is also great on this map. bnasty- Thats just an awesome word. THank you for bringing it into my life. Tex- Thanks for the great response. I will gladly take your advice and put it in that it is SUPPOSED to be open. Lol. In actuality it is not as open as it seems, there are crates and boxes scattered around, all sorts of junk. Its harder to manuvre the Hog than it looks. And btw- i dont take offense to that comment at all. Hahh. Thanks for the great feedback. To everyone else, remeber to keep posting your feedback on this AND the page. Plz and thank you!
looks like a very well interlocked structure, one flag looks very fun, the map looks open but the structure looks like like there would be epic battles in there, great job.
Point in case, now honestly, please mention in the original post to get people's attention about the open factor not mattering...
to the people moaning about no cover other than tower, i think its a good idea because that way your forced to play it how MattDGiant wants you to, stay away from the hog, its good maybe some small scenery just to spice things up but not essential, i also love your chrome tunnel it will spark off a whole load of different looking maps now good job
xUNSCxHeadShot- What kind of positive feedback is that? Please, at least tell me how you would plan to fix such a problem. Besides, as mentioned in the opening paragraph, its supposed to be open. Tex- OKay okay lol you were right. I edited the first paragraph. It now states that the map is supposed to be open. IN BOLD! Thanks for the great review again. Paulie- Thanks! IM glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for sticking up for me Chicken Dippah. THanks for the good review. Btw- who gave my map a 2 star? its not that bad....
people are really over reacting a bit. sorry to be a little mean compared to the other posts but i dont like it all that much. but dont get me wrong. I LOVE that building. but you should not have left it so open in the surroundings. i understand you wanted to have the warthog be able to drive around. but cmon man. that is just ridiculous how open it is. add like 1 or 2 more structures and maybe this is a good map.
i LOVE the building and all but then the outside is way to empty youshouldve added more buildings i think good use of scenery good job though 3.9/5? a
lol, that is bolded, indeed...but I can bet you 5 dollars people are going to skip right over that, rush to the pics, and post 1 post to get there post count up, and be all like, "ZOMG U R NUB LOKK AD TIZ MAPZORZ, IZ SO OPEN" maybe not so foolishly, but something like that... anyways, make it like this.... THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE OPEN[/b(])[/size(])
evan12075- Thanks for the feedback, but one question, have you tried it? or do you just somehow magically know that it sucks? Cuz it doesnt. DO a couple playtests, then come back to me. DOnt give me crap if you dont know that its true. ActTehKiLL- thanks for the feedback. I like a 4/5. BUt its reallly not that open. TEx- Theyve been skipping over it like you predicted. So i added a new thing. It states that the map is open. IN BOLD! AND IN RED!