The Storm

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Time Glitch, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    This game is complicated, and requires that you read all of the following write-up. If you dont, you won't understand the game, and you'll think it quite retarded. Thank you for your time, and enjoy the game.​


    Hello again all and welcome back! Its been quite a long while, but Im sure you'll find its worth the wait. From the creators of I am Legend and The Zombienaught comes the next encarnation of the 'I am Legend' gametypes. With new forge techniques, and all new puzzles and items, The Storm will satisfy even the most hardcore Infection fans. For those of you new to the 'I am Legend' game varients, let this be the first of many happy games for you and all your friends. So lets get on with it, shal we?​

    The Backstory

    As you know, we more than just gameplay into our maps. We really want to make you feel like your part of a story, like you're playing another game entirley. So for this map, we've created a very unique backstory native to the universe of I am Legend.

    In the first weeks after the initial virus escaped into society, a very select few Arctic research stations remained unaffected due to their freezing temperatures. These facilities, cut off from the rest of the world, worked day in and day out to find a cure for the quickly spreading KV virus. They were close. They were so very, very close.

    And then the virus mutated.

    It began with one, but ended with all. The virus began to tolerate the harsh temperatures, and spread as quickly as the original infection. Now, with nearly all the facilities wiped out, and nearly all the people gone, it is your job as a Special Ops squad to rescue the remaining scientists and survive the coming storm until evac arrives. With the storms cloud cover, the Infected will be able to tolerate the UV rays. Defend yourself, and good luck!

    The Basics

    If you're new to these types of games, you'll need to read this section. If you're not, it might be a good idea to refresh yourself. The games work like this: You start out with very little resources and have to gather what you can before time runs out. You have 3 minutes before the zombies are released, and the map becomes unsafe. After 3 minutes is up, no matter what you have, it is highly recommended you get back to the base you start in. From there, your entire team must hold out for as long as you possibly can with what resources you have at your disposal. ​

    Now that you have a general idea of how things go, lets delv into the complexities of this map...​

    Your Base


    With this encarnation of the 'I am Legend' series, we've really uped the ante on the entire map layout. This includes the base. Instead of starting with no weapons, your base is equipped with a number of small arms weapons to begin your journey with. ​

    On either side of the upper ramps, there are magnums with full clips. ​

    In the lower area, there is one respawning Assault Rifle and a respawning Flare. The Flare is very useful when the storm hits, because everything gets quite dark. Using this effectively can be the difference between life and death. However, dont use it out of turn, because it only respawns once per minute.​

    For the gametype to work, you need some kind of transport vehicle. This is where the Mongooses come in. You're given 2, and yes, they do respawn. Use them as you see fit.​

    A new feature we've added to the fallback part of the game includes base defense. Mounted on one side of the base are two Scorpion cannon turrets. The tanks themselves cannot be moved, but are simply ment as stationary guns to help defend the base. Simply drive the tank as normal to operate these turrets. The small turrets on the tanks themselves have also been disabled. However, diont get cocky, these fortifications can easily be taken out from below, so keep a sharp eye out. These dont respawn.​

    For all you longshots out there, we've also equipped the base with a sniper post. To get to this, simply jump on the little ramp and then onto the post itself. Dont just get up here for the hell of it though, the Zombies can easily reach this place from the mancannons or through the base itself with their enhanced jump.​

    There is also a custom powerup sitting at the base of the mancannon that gives the Zombies 5 seconds of extra health. This means you better not let those Zombies get to the mancannon. To say the least, make sure you're good at sniping first...​


    For fun, we have a zombie observance center. You can taunt them, yell at them, or just dance for them. But just dont get too close, they can kill you if you get right next to the glass. Its a fun aspect of the map that serves no real purpose.​

    Even though the base is already well fortified, there are some major gaps in defense. The teleporters that block off entrances into the bottom part of the base are be default blocked, meaning people or zombies can walk right through them. One of the most original aspects of these maps is the ability to unblock them, or in essence, block off a section of your base. Since you'd have no idea how to do it otherwise, we'll tell you how.​

    Fortifying Your Base


    As explained previously, one of your goals is to block up your base from the Zombies. There are 3 teleports that need to be unblocked for the process to be completed. We will outline the basic ways for each to be un-blocked. Since all 3 require some time to complete, it is recommended that you split up the workload. ​

    Teleporter #1

    The first teleporter reciever node can be un-blocked by completling the grav-coaster course. ​


    The first thing you must do is get a grav-lift. The nearest one is on top of an ice pillar near the center of the map.​

    Once you've aquired this, run over to the grav-coaster itself. Simply step into the mancannon to begin. You will be hurdled through a series of mancannons and then into a teleporter. The teleporter will launch you high into the sky (For effect), and your goal is to land on the platform below you. ​

    Once landed, deploy the grav lift underneath the crate inside the shield door. The grav lift will push up the crate and a mancannon will throw it out of the way. ​

    Congrats, you just un-blocked Teleporter #1.​

    Teleporter #2

    This teleporter is by far the most basic. All you need to do is hop into the mancannon farthest away from the base. ​


    In that cannon, you'll run into a gravity lift. Once aquired, head back to the teleporter node. Jump up underneath the node and deploy the lift. ​


    The lift will jostle the crates over and unblock the teleporter. ​

    Congrats, you've just un-blocked Teleporter #2.​

    Teleporter #3

    This teleporter can take repeated attempts, but at least its fun. Whoever does this teleporter needs a Mongoose. You'll find just around the bend of the map a ramp that has a mancannon on the end. In the mancannons trajectory, you'll see another blocked node. ​


    Drive the Mongoose up the ramp and into the mancannon. If done right, you'll smash right into the crates and knock them over. ​

    Congrats, you've just unblocked Teleporter #3. ​

    Unlike in 'I am Legend', these teleporter nodes dont have just one way you can dislodge them. There are multiple ways and multiple techniques you can use to unblock each teleporter. We've outlined the ways the map was designed for, but after repeated play, we have discovered there are more. Many of these altrinate ways are faster and easier, making life easier on all. Good luck finding them!​

    Rescue and Weapons


    This part of the 'I am Legend' games has always been the most interesting. Since you start with nothing but your plasma pistol, you'll have to scavange the map for weapons. However, we've made some accomodations for you. Take note that all the weapons on the map never respawn after they're picked up.​

    The Armory


    This is a tiny, easy to reach spot for those who just want to have some fun. It lies on the far side of the map, and houses 8 battle rifles, 2 shotguns, and 2 sniper rifles. All come with 2 spare clips, and easy to pick up seperatly, so you dont accidentally pick up all the ammo out of 2 guns. If you've got no other place to go, go here. Theres always some friendly ammo waiting for you.​

    The Gun Cave/Rescue Operation

    This is another place where you can find an abundance of weapons. This room is located in the direct center of the map, where the central mancannons are. To gain entrance into this place, simply shoot the fusion coils next to the teleporter. ​


    This will trigger a switch that unblocks a teleporter, allowing entrance and exit into the room. In parties of 9+, this room will also house a number of trapped humans. The upside to their imprisonment is: ​

    A: They can be rescued by any outsiders.​

    B: They already have all their weapons. ​

    The total number of guns in this room can fully arm 12 people. This means in non-full parties, there is a chance the rescuers can get some weapons out of the deal. Regardless of personal reasons, these people contibute to the total team, and should be rescued. However, dont even think about lingering. Once the Zombies get killed, they respawn in here. So unless you enjoy being zombie meat, we'd suggest getting out before the zombies come out. Not to mention it gets really...really dark O.O.​



    For those of you not interested in anything else and simply want to scavange, you'll find an abundance of weapons strewn throughout the map itself. But keep in mind, they are spaced quite far apart, and carry little ammo. They mainly consist of Assault Rifles, SMGs and Battle Rifles. ​

    However, hidden throughout the map are a number of equipment items and power weapons. These require some searching, and individual exploration of the map. We'll give you this bit of into: There are 4 trip mines hidden in the map. Its a jolly good challenge to try and find them all ;)

    The total inventory of weapons and equipment on the entire map is as follows:​

    12x Assault Rifles

    16x Battle Rifles

    10x SMGs

    8x Shotguns
    6x Carbines
    6x Sniper Rifles
    4x Trip Mines
    3x Over-Turned Human Turrets
    2x Deployable Cover
    2x Spikers
    2x Magnums
    2x Frag Grenades
    1x Flare
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Plasma Grenade
    1x Brute Shot
    1x Spartan Laser
    1x Flamethrower

    Finding some of these are quite tricky, but we're sure they're all very possible, so just have fun with it.

    Times' Up

    Here we get to the rather...unpleasant part of the games. As you know, you only have 3 minutes to gather all you can and get back before the storm hits. You will have interval warnings of the coming storm. The first sign comes when 1 minute remains.


    The second comes at 30 seconds. The map will get darker.


    When the final effect takes place, the storm has hit.


    You are blinded by the blizzard and will have a very hard time seeing anything unless you are inside the base. This makes the outside of the map extremely hazardous. This also happens to be when the zombies come out. However, not all hope is lost.

    Interspersed through the map are several temporary holdout areas. All of these temporary bases have incredible weaknesses, and are not ment to be used as a perminant holdout area. They are simply ment to help you hold off against the zombies until you can get back to the base. They are designed as a kind of chain to help you get from one place to another.


    The first one is on the far side of the map. Its made of a few hallways and boxes, but has open cielings in places, and multiple entrypoints. However, it houses 1 SMG and 1 Carbine. Have fun.


    The second one is a tent near the cliffs. It has a Deployable Cover and 2 Spikers. The back is covered by a crate that can be easily moved out of the way, so be wary of behind and in front of you.


    The third base is right in the middle of the ice patch on your side of the canyon. Its unique in that you have to be crouched to get inside, and its quite small. You can also be slashed from the outside if you're too close to the walls, so stay in the center. This facility houses 2 SMGs.

    From then on, your on your own. Its a bit of a run to the mancannon, but you'll make it...


    The Zombies


    And so we've come to it. The dreaded infestation, the unbeatable virus: The Zombies. These beasts are quite the formidable foes in this gametype. These infectious creatures are the overlords of the outside world, and the only true safe place is inside your base. Only there can their advantages be braught down and evened out. Heres what they've got going for them:

    300% speed

    Color: White

    Armed with swords

    They know where you are at all times (Indicator over your head)
    Instant Kill, ensuring no man or vehicle will go un-slain.

    Now, that may seem like a lot, but what they have in power they lack in health. They have very little damage resistance, and can be killed pretty easily. One of these zombies isnt a threat, but get more than 3, and you've got a problem. Stick to your guns and stick together. You should survive.


    Well, if you've made it this far, you're doing well. Hopefully you made it back with time to spare. When the storm finally hits and the zombies are released, the best place to reside is in the bottom of your base (That is if you plugged it all up). Now the game turns to a normal game of survival, and it pretty much plays itself. All strategy ends here, and you can let those zombie bastards have it.

    If you're feeling really gung-ho, you can man the two tank turrets on your base and gather your snipers to hold the outside of the base for as long as possible. However, just be warned that you probably wont survive long. But who cares? Its fun, right?

    The last man standing is 2x stronger than normal humans, and has some extra speed. (Not like it'll do him too much good)

    There is a 20 minute time limit on the game, ensuring an eventual end to all your fun. But you'll probably run out of ammo before that happens...

    Creators Notes and Download

    Yeah, I'm going to blabber on a bit before you get the link you're probably slobbering for. But this is important information.

    Please keep in mind, this is a VERY complicated game. Being that it is a complicated game, its probably going to have its share of errors. If you have found a major flaw, please report it and we'll fix it as soon as possible. We've tried to compensate for everything, but something will always slip through our defenses.

    This map is also not considered a map you can simply throw out to a party and expect them to understand it. It really is almost a different game entirley. This map was designed for groups that have some kind of maturity beyond "Shoot everything immediatley". Even more so than its predicesor, this game almost requires this guide to play. Dont expect random people to understand it.

    If you have a dedicated party of friends, I highly recommend you give this a try. You may even want to run everyone through a tutorial first to give them a better idea of ow things work. After a few rounds of getting used to the game, it will become very enjoyable for all. Its simply a game you have to try and play for a while before you get into a good groove. That being said, I really hope you end up enjoying this map, and treasuring it for a long time.

    Heres those links:

    This game is reccomended for parties of 6+

    This guide is made to give you an adequate understanding of the gametype and gameplay. If you have any questions, ask them here.

    Good luck.

    -Y4ZT and Time Glitch-

    Some screenshots may differ from actual map geometry due to recent upgrades. These wont affect gameplay. (By the way, the 20 screen limit is dumb! I had to delete like half my shots!)

    Thanks to everyone who downloaded =)

    For anyone interested in this map's predicesor, it can be found here.

    Oh god I almost forgot! Thank you SO much to the following people for sticking it out and learning the game so I could have screenshots for you guys:

    Anre Rakam
    Sir Toppum Hat1
    #1 Time Glitch, Jun 3, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2008
  2. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    if you cant post pics, at least have a description and link to bungie
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    looked at halo grid

    Holy **** that is amazing!!!!
  4. Private_Vivi

    Private_Vivi Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Yea I looked at the link you put up, and this map looks amazing! A lot of time looks like it was put into this. Nicely done!
  5. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    i absolutely loved i am legend . for me that gametype/map really changed infection matches. it felt like a different game IMO. i have a feeling i'm going to love this map/gametype as well. time glitch great job i got it q'ued
  6. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Loved playing this, and loved the map, definitely one of the best infection maps to date.

    Edit* I copyed your halogrid post over to here, and deleted like 11 images, but left the really really important ones. If you do not wish for this to be, then change it back.
    #6 Penguinish, Jun 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  7. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Omg I Love You... Could be neater in some places, like in the "Chain" building. It could use Merging to make it neater...
  8. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Awesome I love the last I am Legend map I can't wait to play this I will download as soon as I get beck from Poland good job I hope this one gets more attention than the the last.
  9. Shoruka

    Shoruka Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    It loosk awesome and well thought out, but what sushi said, I think that if you were to clean up the bases outside the main one, it would look so much better. :)

    Ima dl now.
  10. Jester

    Jester Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the ideas you have put into play on this map; the blockable entrances, the trapped humans and such. However the map appears a bit barren, if not sloppy. I'm sure the map will play nice, but I was kinda disapointed by the first pic. I might reccomend building a completely new building as opposed to using the exisiting bases. But overall very good. 4/5
  11. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks amazing! Downloading now!
  12. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cleanliness had to be sacrificed a bit on this map, mainly due to budget and item restraints. I couldnt use unlimited budget due to the forge filters.

    As for the temporary bases, they're ment to look a bit ramshackle, like they were erected in a hurry to try and slow the coming invasion.

    Building a completley new area would never work with everything else. It would take too many resources.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    About time you posted this Time glitch lol ;) It plays well from the time we had the giant game going.
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You made me fall in love with Infection all over again.
  15. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    This is truly a great map but its probably not as good as its described because like you already said, most people wont know the storyline or what to do, so that will ruin gameplay. I was a fan of I Am Legend, so I'll give it a try. Great post, btw
  16. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Looks complicated for some people, but well made with a very great idea! I'll DL :)
  17. Shade117 pro

    Shade117 pro Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    love the map but i wish i had the legendary map pack
  18. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    one of the greatest maps I've seen but my question is what do the zombies do for the three minutes? and how do they get out
  19. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree, 3 minutes does sound pretty long, and I am quite curious how you have it set up for them to escape. ^_^
  20. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lets just call it Zombie-on-Zombie bonding...


    Oh, thats really quite simple actually... it isnt.

    So I have a two way node set up in between the zombies main lair and the observation window. The zombies ususally hang out in the obs. window to see the humans at work, but that doesnt really matter. Outside the zombies lair, I have a teleporter reciever node on the same channel as the 2 two ways. They're blocked by 2 crates on top of one another. When the 3 minute marker hits, a mancannon spawns, and another crate spawns mid air, landing on the other two to get the mancannons energy to affect them. The two boxes go flying, and the zombies are released by going through the teleporter until it kicks them outside. Then they respawn inside the Gun Cave, so they dont have to deal with repeated teleporterness again.


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