ahh that will help me download "IT iS A REALLY COOL" can i ask what is? second of all forgehub has standards i personally think you mister are soon going to be removed off this site due to your lack of common sense just look at other maps and see the care and time put into the post and map these are just, bungiefied
boi 36 all the maps you are posting are not up to forgehub standards you need to learn how to post a map properly my link still will not work tho sry
dude you just posted a map like three times which you not even supposed to do it twice and plus there is so many things missing your gonna get mega banned
wow a really cool map! im sure to download it now! get some pictures up then i might consider downloading
Is any body going to help the guy by giving him the link instead of yelling at him. After all not all people respond to negative criticism. [FONT="] Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. If you need help PM me. [/FONT]