Map Title: [SIZE=+20]EleVatioN[/SIZE] A map made with two main bases (Red vs Blue) but the guardians have their own base (Yellow). Try to control all the main spots in order to dominate the opposition. Description: This map consist of a main bridge conecting two yellow control structures. These structures do not belong to the red or blue teams but will play a big role in winning. [Overview] It is surrounded by the two bases being controled by the two teams. Base A belongs two the Blue team where as Base B belongs to the Red team. Both consist of a small fort and a high rise look out tower. [A-Blue Base] [B-Red Base] There are two ways to get to the platform. You can use the bridge which is a reliable way up, or you can try one of the elevators which might or might not take you to the top. the choice is yours but you have to make it quick because things can get a little chaotic. [Elevator] The last thing to know is that you want to hit the switch (destroy the grav lift) on the platform in order to gain access to the yellow high rise tower in the middle of the bases. This gives you a great look at the map with only one way to gain access. [Switch] Hope you all enjoy the map as much as I enjoyed making it. (For added fun, give the custom power up an ability because there are three in the map.)
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Ooh i like the idea of the two bases, most foundry maps nowadays are just one big room (no offense to the makers of those, as i have made one or two myself). I like the way you have used interlocking to colour the bases and the scenery items (forklifts, street cones etc.) it looks nice, Q'd for download.
I really see great CTF matches going on here. I haven't seen bases have that sort of structures to them. And the bridge looks perfect. Although I wouldv'e liked to see a weapons/equipment list. It's not necessary but its a great touch to the post. Awesome map.
totally and utterly awwssoommee but u really need to change somethings for sure!!! on the blue base u can actually get the active camo lol and u really need to change the elevators so they actually work